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Search your starred ★ repositories on GitHub from your terminal
You know those repositories you like and star into the abyss? Yes those, this CLI tool will help you do a fuzzy search on them. You can search any GitHub user's starred repositories by providing their handle only.
This tool will cache the results locally so that you don't risk abusing the API requests limit.
and the API might change without notice. Update only after reviewing the changelog for breaking changes.
For a more reliable search experience please use: https://github.com/Link-/starred_search
gh extension install Link-/gh-stars
Usage: gh stars [OPTIONS] [ARGS]...
Search your or any other user's starred repositories on GitHub for a keyword.
-h, --help
Show this message and exit.
-u, --user <handle>
Any GitHub handle. Example: link-
-c, --cache-file <file path>
File you want to store the cache in. File should exist and be writable. If not provided, the tool will generate one in $TMPDIR
-f, --find <keyword>
The keyword you want to search for. Example: es6
-l, --limit <number>
Limit the search results to the specified number. Default is 10
-j, --json
Prints the output in JSON format
-v, --version
Outputs release version
-d, --debug
Outputs debugging log
# Search for es6 in Link-'s starred repositories
gh stars --user 'link-' --find 'macos'
Name URL Description Stars Rank
ianyh/Amethyst https://github.com/ianyh/Amethyst Automatic tiling window manager for macOS à la xmonad. 12815 250
jakehilborn/displayplacer https://github.com/jakehilborn/displayplacer macOS command line utility to configure multi-display resolutions and arrangements. Essentially XRandR for macOS. 3067 250
wailsapp/wails https://github.com/wailsapp/wails Create beautiful applications using Go 15933 25
ianyh/Amethyst https://github.com/ianyh/Amethyst Automatic tiling window manager for macOS à la xmonad. 12815 25
ianyh/Amethyst https://github.com/ianyh/Amethyst Automatic tiling window manager for macOS à la xmonad. 12815 25
massCodeIO/massCode https://github.com/massCodeIO/massCode A free and open source code snippets manager for developers 4694 25
gh stars --user 'link-' --cache-file '/tmp/.cache' --find 'markdown'
Name URL Description Stars Rank
MacDownApp/macdown https://github.com/MacDownApp/macdown Open source Markdown editor for macOS. 9232 1000
evilstreak/markdown-js https://github.com/evilstreak/markdown-js A Markdown parser for javascript 7664 1000
charmbracelet/glamour https://github.com/charmbracelet/glamour Stylesheet-based markdown rendering for your CLI apps 💇🏻♀️ 1620 250
Naereen/badges https://github.com/Naereen/badges :pencil: Markdown code for lots of small badges :ribbon: :pushpin: (shields.io, forthebadge.com etc) :sunglasses:. Contributions are welcome! Please add yours! 3851 250
markedjs/marked https://github.com/markedjs/marked A markdown parser and compiler. Built for speed. 29694 250
ActionsDesk/report-action-usage https://github.com/ActionsDesk/report-action-usage Action to create a CSV or Markdown report of GitHub Actions used 8 250
syntax-tree/mdast https://github.com/syntax-tree/mdast Markdown Abstract Syntax Tree format 831 250
honkit/honkit https://github.com/honkit/honkit :book: HonKit is building beautiful books using Markdown - Fork of GitBook 2544 250
hedgedoc/hedgedoc https://github.com/hedgedoc/hedgedoc HedgeDoc - The best platform to write and share markdown. 3866 250
valentjn/vscode-ltex https://github.com/valentjn/vscode-ltex LTeX: Grammar/spell checker :mag::heavy_check_mark: for VS Code using LanguageTool with support for LaTeX :mortar_board:, Markdown :pencil:, and others 644 250
gh stars --user 'link-' --find 'programming language' --debug
INFO: 2023/05/13 21:44:42 root.go:91: Debug mode is enabled
INFO: 2023/05/13 21:44:42 root.go:92: Parameters provided --user link- --find programming language --debug
INFO: 2023/05/13 21:44:42 root.go:239: Attempting to fetch the total number of starred repos for user link-
INFO: 2023/05/13 21:44:42 root.go:269: CacheKey generated: d856442b086a3c61b6593f22bf91804c91cbb53bfb585aa9217550f8c0271a5c
INFO: 2023/05/13 21:44:42 root.go:321: Cache file exists and is not empty, reading from the cache file: /var/folders/ld/5wnf1d_525q_ldl3kj9km5lh0000gn/T/stars_d856442b086a.json
INFO: 2023/05/13 21:44:42 root.go:124: Rendering the results
INFO: 2023/05/13 21:44:42 root.go:127: Results: 6 are higher than the limit: 10
Name URL Description Stars Rank
bigscience-workshop/petals https://github.com/bigscience-workshop/petals 🌸 Run 100B+ language models at home, BitTorrent-style. Fine-tuning and inference up to 10x faster than offloading 4657 250
GoogleContainerTools/distroless https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/distroless 🥑 Language focused docker images, minus the operating system. 15549 250
shyamsn97/mario-gpt https://github.com/shyamsn97/mario-gpt Generating Mario Levels with GPT2. Code for the paper "MarioGPT: Open-Ended Text2Level Generation through Large Language Models" https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.05981 964 250
carbon-language/carbon-lang https://github.com/carbon-language/carbon-lang Carbon Language's main repository: documents, design, implementation, and related tools. (NOTE: Carbon Language is experimental; see README) 30415 250
slimtoolkit/slim https://github.com/slimtoolkit/slim Slim(toolkit): Don't change anything in your container image and minify it by up to 30x (and for compiled languages even more) making it secure too! (free and open source) 16633 250
carbon-language/carbon-lang https://github.com/carbon-language/carbon-lang Carbon Language's main repository: documents, design, implementation, and related tools. (NOTE: Carbon Language is experimental; see README) 30415 25
gh stars --user 'link-' --find 'a' --limit 5
Name URL Description Stars Rank
hashicorp/go-memdb https://github.com/hashicorp/go-memdb Golang in-memory database built on immutable radix trees 2805 1000
mckaywrigley/chatbot-ui https://github.com/mckaywrigley/chatbot-ui An open source ChatGPT UI. 13459 1000
andyfeller/gh-montage https://github.com/andyfeller/gh-montage GitHub CLI extension to generate montage from GitHub user avatars 28 1000
actions/gh-actions-cache https://github.com/actions/gh-actions-cache A GitHub (gh) CLI extension to manage the GitHub Actions caches being used in a GitHub repository. 219 1000
nadrad/h-m-m https://github.com/nadrad/h-m-m Hackers Mind Map 1628 1000
gh stars -u 'link-' -f 'rust server' --json | jq -r '.[].html_url'
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I've live streamed the entire process of building this tool: