⚠️ Building this stack will generate cost in your billing dashboard, use it ONLY IF you understand the consequences⚠️
Simulates a scheduled backup workflow. An event rule is created in CloudWatch that triggers the exectuion of the Step Function's state machine every 5 minutes. In tern the state machine will invoke the backup simulation lambda.
This workflow does not execute an actual backup, it's simply a demonstration of the basic features of Step Functions.
The following is the list of the important folders / files in this project that you should pay attention to:
├── README.md
├── init.sh
├── lambda
│ └── function.py
├── state_machine_definition.json.tpl
├── terraform
│ ├── main.tf
│ ├── outputs.tf
└── variables.tf
: Folder containg the payload of the backup lambda functionterraform/
: Folder containing the terraform templatesinit.sh
: Script that will build the needed artefacts and prepare the terraform environmentstate_machine_definition.json.tpl
: The definition of the step function's state machine. It's been re-written as a terraform template to allow the injection of the lambda's arn in it
- Terraform v0.12.x+
# Run the build script to generate the lambda function payload
# Dry-run
terraform plan \
--var="lambda_function_payload="(pwd)"/lambda/payload.zip" \
--var="sfn_state_machine_definition="(pwd)"/state_machine_definition.json.tpl" \
# Build the stack
terraform apply \
--var="lambda_function_payload="(pwd)"/lambda/payload.zip" \
--var="sfn_state_machine_definition="(pwd)"/state_machine_definition.json.tpl" \
# Destroy the stack
terraform destroy \
--var="lambda_function_payload="(pwd)"/lambda/payload.zip" \
--var="sfn_state_machine_definition="(pwd)"/state_machine_definition.json.tpl" \
The following arguments are supported:
: (string) AWS profile you'd like to use. Leave empty for default valueaws_region
: (string) AWS region you'd like to use. Default: eu-west-1credentials_path
: (string) Path where AWS credentials are stored. Default: ~/.aws/credentials
terraform apply \
--var="lambda_function_payload="(pwd)"/lambda/payload.zip" \
--var="sfn_state_machine_definition="(pwd)"/state_machine_definition.json.tpl" \
--var="aws_profile=personal" \
--var="aws_region=eu-west-2" \
--var="credentials_path=~/.aws/non_default_credentials_file" \