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Frappe Gantt

A modern, configurable, Gantt library for the web.

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Frappe Gantt

Gantt charts are bar charts that visually illustrate a project's tasks, schedule, and dependencies. With Frappe Gantt, you can build beautiful, customizable, Gantt charts with ease.

You can use it anywhere from hobby projects to tracking the goals of your team at the worksplace.

ERPNext uses Frappe Gantt.


We needed a Gantt View for ERPNext. Surprisingly, we couldn't find a visually appealing Gantt library that was open source - so we decided to build it. Initially, the design was heavily inspired by Google Gantt and DHTMLX.

Key Features

  • Customizable Views: customize the timeline based on various time periods - day, hour, or year, you have it. You can also create your own views.
  • Ignore Periods: exclude weekends and other holidays from your tasks' progress calculation.
  • Configure Anything: spacing, edit access, labels, you can control it all. Change both the style and functionality to meet your needs.
  • Multi-lingual Support: suitable for companies with an international base.


Install with:

npm install frappe-gantt

Include it in your HTML:

<script src="frappe-gantt.umd.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="frappe-gantt.css">

Or from the CDN:

<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Start using Gantt:

let tasks = [
    id: '1',
    name: 'Redesign website',
    start: '2016-12-28',
    end: '2016-12-31',
    progress: 20
let gantt = new Gantt("#gantt", tasks);


Frappe Gantt offers a wide range of options to customize your chart.

Option Description Possible Values Default
arrow_curve Curve radius of arrows connecting dependencies. Any positive integer. 5
auto_move_label Move task labels when user scrolls horizontally. true, false false
bar_corner_radius Radius of the task bar corners (in pixels). Any positive integer. 3
bar_height Height of task bars (in pixels). Any positive integer. 30
container_height Height of the container. auto - dynamic container height to fit all tasks - or any positive integer (for pixels). auto
column_width Width of each column in the timeline. Any positive integer. 45
date_format Format for displaying dates. Any valid JS date format string. YYYY-MM-DD
upper_header_height Height of the upper header in the timeline (in pixels). Any positive integer. 45
lower_header_height Height of the lower header in the timeline (in pixels). Any positive integer. 30
snap_at Snap tasks at particular intervel while resizing or dragging. Any interval (see below) 1d
infinite_padding Whether to extend timeline infinitely when user scrolls. true, false true
holidays Highlighted holidays on the timeline. Object mapping CSS colors to holiday types. Types can either be a) 'weekend', or b) array of strings or date objects or objects in the format {date: ..., label: ...} { 'var(--g-weekend-highlight-color)': 'weekend' }
ignore Ignored areas in the rendering weekend or Array of strings or date objects (weekend can be present to the array also). []
language Language for localization. ISO 639-1 codes like en, fr, es. en
lines Determines which grid lines to display. none for no lines, vertical for only vertical lines, horizontal for only horizontal lines, both for complete grid. both
move_dependencies Whether moving a task automatically moves its dependencies. true, false true
padding Padding around task bars (in pixels). Any positive integer. 18
popup_on Event to trigger the popup display. click or hover click
readonly_progress Disables editing task progress. true, false false
readonly_dates Disables editing task dates. true, false false
readonly Disables all editing features. true, false false
scroll_to Determines the starting point when chart is rendered. today, start, end, or a date string. today
show_expected_progress Shows expected progress for tasks. true, false false
today_button Adds a button to navigate to today’s date. true, false true
view_mode The initial view mode of the Gantt chart. Day, Week, Month, Year. Day
view_mode_select Allows selecting the view mode from a dropdown. true, false false

Apart from these ones, two options - popup and view_modes (plural, not singular) - are available. They have "sub"-APIs, and thus are listed separately.

View Mode Configuration

The view_modes option determines all the available view modes for the chart. It should be an array of objects.

Each object can have the following properties:

  • name (string) - the name of view mode.
  • padding (interval) - the time above.
  • step - the interval of each column
  • lower_text (date format string or function) - the format for text in lower header. Blank string for none. The function takes in currentDate, previousDate, and lang, and should return a string.
  • upper_text (date format string or function) - the format for text in upper header. Blank string for none. The function takes in currentDate, previousDate, and lang, and should return a string.
  • upper_text_frequency (number) - how often the upper text has a value. Utilized in internal calculation to improve performance.
  • thick_line (function) - takes in currentDate, returns Boolean determining whether the line for that date should be thicker than the others.

Three other options allow you to override general configuration for this view mode alone:

  • date_format
  • column_width
  • snap_at For details, see the above table.

Popup Configuration

popup is a function. If it returns

  • false, there will be no popup.
  • undefined, the popup will be rendered based on manipulation within the function
  • a HTML string, the popup will be that string.

The function receives one object as an argument, containing:

  • task - the task as an object
  • chart - the entire Gantt chart
  • get_title, get_subtitle, get_details (functions) - get the relevant section as a HTML node.
  • set_title, set_subtitle, set_details (functions) - take in the HTML of the relevant section
  • add_action (function) - accepts two parameters, html and func - respectively determining the HTML of the action and the callback when the action is pressed.


Frappe Gantt exposes a few helpful methods for you to interact with the chart:

Name Description Parameters
.update_options Re-renders the chart after updating specific options. new_options - object containing new options.
.change_view_mode Updates the view mode. view_mode - Name of view mode or view mode object (see above) and maintain_pos - whether to go back to current scroll position after rerendering, defaults to false.
.scroll_current Scrolls to the current date No parameters.
.update_task Re-renders a specific task bar alone task_id - id of task and new_details - object containing the task properties to be updated.

Development Setup

If you want to contribute enhancements or fixes:

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. cd into project directory.
  3. Run pnpm i to install dependencies.
  4. pnpm run build to build files - or pnpm run build-dev to build and watch for changes.
  5. Open index.html in your browser.
  6. Make your code changes and test them.


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