Port of IntelliJ IDEA key bindings for VS Code. Includes keymaps for popular JetBrains products like IntelliJ Ultimate, WebStorm, PyCharm, PHP Storm, etc.
Linux, Windows | macOS | Feature | Supported |
ctrl+space | ctrl+space | Basic code completion (the name of any class, method or variable) | ✅ |
ctrl+shift+space | ctrl+shift+space | Smart code completion (filters the list of methods and variables by expected type) | N/A |
enter | enter | Choose Lookup Item | ✅ |
tab | tab | Choose Lookup Item Replace | ✅ |
ctrl+shift+enter | cmd+shift+enter | Complete statement | ✅ |
ctrl+p | cmd+p | Parameter info (within method call arguments) | ✅ |
ctrl+q | ctrl+j | Quick documentation lookup | ✅ |
ctrl+f1 | shift+f1 | External Doc | N/A |
ctrl+mouseover | cmd+mouseover | Brief Info | N/A |
ctrl+f1 | cmd+f1 | Show descriptions of error or warning at caret | ✅ |
alt+insert | cmd+n | Generate code... (Getters, Setters, Constructors, hashCode/equals, toString) | ✅ |
alt+insert | cmd+n | New... | ✅ |
ctrl+o | ctrl+o | Override methods | ✅ |
ctrl+i | ctrl+i | Implement methods | ✅ |
ctrl+alt+t | cmd+alt+t | Surround with... (if..else, try..catch, for, synchronized, etc.) | N/A |
ctrl+/ | cmd+/ | Comment/uncomment with line comment | ✅ |
ctrl+numpad_divide | cmd+numpad_divide | Comment/uncomment with line comment | ✅ |
ctrl+shift+/ | cmd+alt+/ | Comment/uncomment with block comment | ✅ |
ctrl+shift+numpad_divide | cmd+alt+numpad_divide | Comment/uncomment with block comment | ✅ |
ctrl+w | alt+up | Select successively increasing code blocks | ✅ |
ctrl+shift+w | alt+down | Decrease current selection to previous state | ✅ |
alt+q | ctrl+shift+q | Context info | N/A |
alt+enter | alt+enter | Show intention actions and quick-fixes | ✅ |
ctrl+alt+l | cmd+alt+l | Reformat code | ✅ |
ctrl+alt+l | cmd+alt+l | Reformat selected code | ✅ |
ctrl+alt+o | ctrl+alt+o | Optimize imports | ✅ |
ctrl+alt+i | ctrl+alt+i | Auto-indent line(s) | N/A |
tab | tab | Indent selected lines | N/A |
shift+tab | shift+tab | Unindent selected lines | N/A |
ctrl+x | cmd+x | Cut current line or selected block to clipboard | ✅ |
shift+delete | cmd+delete | Cut current line or selected block to clipboard | ✅ |
ctrl+c | cmd+c | Copy current line or selected block to clipboard | ✅ |
ctrl+v | cmd+v | Paste from clipboard | ✅ |
ctrl+shift+v | cmd+shift+v | Paste from recent buffers... | N/A |
ctrl+d | cmd+d | Duplicate Line | ✅ |
ctrl+d | cmd+d | Duplicate Selection | ✅ |
ctrl+y | cmd+backspace | Delete line at caret | ✅ |
ctrl+shift+j | ctrl+shift+j | Smart line join | ✅ |
ctrl+enter | cmd+enter | Smart line split | ✅ |
shift+enter | shift+enter | Start new line | ✅ |
ctrl+shift+u | cmd+shift+u | Toggle case for word at caret or selected block | N/A |
ctrl+shift+] | cmd+shift+] | Select till code block end | N/A |
ctrl+shift+[ | cmd+shift+[ | Select till code block start | N/A |
ctrl+delete | alt+delete | Delete to word end | ✅ |
ctrl+backspace | alt+backspace | Delete to word start | ✅ |
ctrl+= | cmd+= | Expand code block | ✅ |
ctrl+numpad_add | cmd+numpad_add | Expand code block | ✅ |
ctrl+- | cmd+- | Collapse code block | ✅ |
ctrl+numpad_subtract | cmd+numpad_subtract | Collapse code block | ✅ |
ctrl+alt+= | cmd+alt+= | Expand code block recursively | ✅ |
ctrl+alt+numpad_add | cmd+alt+numpad_add | Expand code block recursively | ✅ |
ctrl+alt+- | cmd+alt+- | Collapse code block recursively | ✅ |
ctrl+alt+numpad_subtract | cmd+alt+numpad_subtract | Collapse code block recursively | ✅ |
ctrl+shift+= | cmd+shift+= | Expand all | ✅ |
ctrl+shift+numpad_add | cmd+shift+numpad_add | Expand all | ✅ |
ctrl+shift+- | cmd+shift+- | Collapse all | ✅ |
ctrl+shift+numpad_subtract | cmd+shift+numpad_subtract | Collapse all | ✅ |
ctrl+f4 | cmd+w | Close active editor tab | ✅ |
alt+j | ctrl+g | Add selection for Next Occurrence | ✅ |
alt+shift+j | ctrl+shift+g | Unselect Occurrence | ✅ |
shift+alt+down | shift+alt+down | Move Line Down | ✅ |
shift+alt+up | shift+alt+up | Move Line Up | ✅ |
shift+alt+insert | shift+cmd+8 | Column Selection Mode | ✅ |
Linux, Windows | macOS | Feature | Supported |
shift shift | shift shift | Search everywhere | ✅ |
ctrl+f | cmd+f | Find | ✅ |
f3 | cmd+g | Find next | ✅ |
shift+f3 | cmd+shift+g | Find previous | ✅ |
ctrl+r | cmd+r | Replace | ✅ |
ctrl+shift+f | cmd+shift+f | Find in path | ✅ |
ctrl+shift+r | cmd+shift+r | Replace in path | ✅ |
ctrl+shift+s | cmd+shift+s | Search structurally (Ultimate Edition only) | N/A |
ctrl+shift+m | cmd+shift+m | Replace structurally (Ultimate Edition only) | N/A |
Linux, Windows | macOS | Feature | Supported |
alt+f7 | alt+f7 | Find usages | ✅ |
alt+ctrl+f7 | alt+cmd+f7 | Show usages | ✅ |
ctrl+f7 | cmd+f7 | Find usages in file | N/A |
ctrl+shift+f7 | cmd+shift+f7 | Highlight usages in file | N/A |
ctrl+alt+f7 | cmd+alt+f7 | Show usages | N/A |
Linux, Windows | macOS | Feature | Supported |
ctrl+f9 | cmd+f9 | Make project (compile modifed and dependent) | ✅ |
ctrl+shift+f9 | cmd+shift+f9 | Compile selected file, package or module | N/A |
alt+shift+f10 | ctrl+alt+r | Select configuration and run | ✅ |
alt+shift+f9 | ctrl+alt+d | Select configuration and debug | ✅ |
shift+f10 | ctrl+r | Run | ✅ |
shift+f9 | ctrl+d | Debug | ✅ |
ctrl+shift+f10 | ctrl+shift+r | Run context configuration from editor | N/A |
ctrl+shift+f10 | ctrl+shift+r | Debug context configuration from editor | N/A |
Linux, Windows | macOS | Feature | Supported |
ctrl+f2 | cmd+f2 | Stop | ✅ |
f8 | f8 | Step over | ✅ |
f7 | f7 | Step into | ✅ |
shift+f7 | shift+f7 | Smart step into | N/A |
shift+f8 | shift+f8 | Step out | ✅ |
alt+f9 | alt+f9 | Run to cursor | ✅ |
alt+f8 | alt+f8 | Evaluate expression | ✅ |
alt+f8 | alt+f8 | Evaluate expression (selection) | ✅ |
f9 | cmd+alt+r | Resume program | ✅ |
ctrl+f8 | cmd+f8 | Toggle breakpoint | ✅ |
ctrl+shift+f8 | cmd+shift+f8 | View breakpoints | ✅ |
Linux, Windows | macOS | Feature | Supported |
ctrl+n | cmd+o | Go to class | ✅ |
ctrl+shift+n | cmd+shift+o | Go to file | ✅ |
ctrl+alt+shift+n | cmd+alt+o | Go to symbol | ✅ |
alt+left | ctrl+left | Go to previous editor tab | ✅ |
N/A | shift+cmd+[ | Go to previous editor tab | ✅ |
alt+right | ctrl+right | Go to next editor tab | ✅ |
N/A | shift+cmd+] | Go to next editor tab | ✅ |
f12 | f12 | Go back to previous tool window | N/A |
escape | escape | Go to editor (from tool window) | N/A |
shift+escape | shift+escape | Hide active or last active window (Sidebar) | ✅ |
shift+escape | shift+escape | Hide active or last active window (Output) | ✅ |
shift+escape | shift+escape | Hide active or last active window (Problems) | ✅ |
shift+escape | shift+escape | Hide active or last active window (Debug Console) | ✅ |
shift+escape | shift+escape | Hide active or last active window (Terminal) | ✅ |
shift+escape | shift+escape | Hide active or last active window (Panel) | N/A |
ctrl+shift+f4 | cmd+shift+f4 | Close active run/messages/find/... tab | N/A |
ctrl+g | cmd+l | Go to line | ✅ |
ctrl+e | cmd+e | Recent files popup | ✅ |
ctrl+alt+left | cmd+alt+left | Navigate back | ✅ |
N/A | cmd+[ | Navigate back | ✅ |
ctrl+alt+right | cmd+alt+right | Navigate forward | ✅ |
N/A | cmd+] | Navigate forward | ✅ |
ctrl+shift+backspace | cmd+shift+backspace | Navigate to last edit location | ✅ |
alt+f1 | alt+f1 | Select current file or symbol in any view | N/A |
ctrl+b | cmd+b | Go to declaration | ✅ |
ctrl+alt+b | cmd+alt+b | Go to implementation(s) | ✅ |
ctrl+u | cmd+u | Go to super implementation(s) | ✅ |
ctrl+shift+i | alt+space | Open quick definition lookup | ✅ |
N/A | cmd+y | Open quick definition lookup | ✅ |
ctrl+shift+b | ctrl+shift+b | Go to type declaration | ✅ |
ctrl+u | cmd+u | Go to super-method/super-class | ✅ |
alt+up | ctrl+up | Go to previous method | N/A |
alt+down | ctrl+down | Go to next method | N/A |
ctrl+] | cmd+] | Move to code block end | N/A |
ctrl+[ | cmd+[ | Move to code block start | N/A |
alt+7 | cmd+7 | Structure | ✅ |
ctrl+f12 | cmd+f12 | File structure popup | ✅ |
ctrl+h | ctrl+h | Type hierarchy | ✅ |
ctrl+shift+h | cmd+shift+h | Method hierarchy | N/A |
ctrl+alt+h | ctrl+alt+h | Call hierarchy | ✅ |
f2 | f2 | Next highlighted error | ✅ |
shift+f2 | shift+f2 | Previous highlighted error | ✅ |
f4 | f4 | Edit source | ✅ |
ctrl+enter | cmd+down | View source | ✅ |
shift+ctrl+down | shift+alt+down | Move Statement Down | ✅ |
shift+ctrl+up | shift+alt+up | Move Statement Up | ✅ |
alt+home | alt+home | Show navigation bar | N/A |
f11 | f3 | Toggle bookmark | N/A |
ctrl+f11 | alt+f3 | Toggle bookmark with mnemonic | N/A |
ctrl+0 | ctrl+0 | Go to numbered bookmark | N/A |
shift+f11 | cmd+f3 | Show bookmarks | N/A |
ctrl+alt+shift+down | ctrl+alt+shift+down | Next Change | ✅ |
ctrl+alt+shift+up | ctrl+alt+shift+up | Previous Change | ✅ |
ctrl+home | cmd+home | Move Caret to Text Start | ✅ |
ctrl+end | cmd+end | Move Caret to Text End | ✅ |
ctrl+shift+t | cmd+shift+t | Go to Test | ✅ |
Linux, Windows | macOS | Feature | Supported |
f5 | f5 | Copy | N/A |
ctrl+alt+shift+t | ctrl+t | Refactor This... | ✅ |
f6 | f6 | Move | ✅ |
alt+delete | cmd+delete | Safe Delete | N/A |
shift+f6 | shift+f6 | Rename | ✅ |
shift+f6 | shift+f6 | Select All Occurrences | ✅ |
shift+f6 | shift+f6 | Rename (File) | ✅ |
ctrl+f6 | cmd+f6 | Change Signature | N/A |
ctrl+alt+n | cmd+alt+n | Inline | N/A |
ctrl+alt+m | cmd+alt+m | Extract Method | ✅ |
ctrl+alt+v | cmd+alt+v | Extract Variable | ✅ |
ctrl+alt+f | cmd+alt+f | Extract Field | ✅ |
ctrl+alt+c | cmd+alt+c | Extract Constant | ✅ |
ctrl+alt+p | cmd+alt+p | Extract Parameter | N/A |
Linux, Windows | macOS | Feature | Supported |
ctrl+alt+k | cmd+k | Commit project to VCS | ✅ |
ctrl+shift+k | cmd+alt+k | Push commits to VCS | ✅ |
ctrl+t | cmd+t | Update project from VCS | ✅ |
ctrl+alt+z | cmd+alt+z | Rollback Lines | ✅ |
alt+shift+c | alt+shift+c | View recent changes | N/A |
Linux, Windows | macOS | Feature | Supported |
ctrl+alt+j | cmd+alt+j | Surround with Live Template | N/A |
ctrl+j | cmd+j | Insert Live Template | N/A |
Linux, Windows | macOS | Feature | Supported |
alt+0 | cmd+0 | Activate Messages window (Problems) | ✅ |
alt+numpad0 | cmd+numpad0 | Activate Messages window (Problems) | ✅ |
alt+1 | cmd+1 | Open corresponding tool window (Explorer) | ✅ |
alt+numpad1 | cmd+numpad1 | Open corresponding tool window (Explorer) | ✅ |
alt+1 | cmd+1 | Close corresponding tool window (Explorer) | ✅ |
alt+numpad1 | cmd+numpad1 | Close corresponding tool window (Explorer) | ✅ |
alt+3 | cmd+3 | Open corresponding tool window (Search) | ✅ |
alt+numpad3 | cmd+numpad3 | Open corresponding tool window (Search) | ✅ |
alt+3 | cmd+3 | Close corresponding tool window (Search) | ✅ |
alt+numpad3 | cmd+numpad3 | Close corresponding tool window (Search) | ✅ |
alt+5 | cmd+5 | Open corresponding tool window (Debug) | ✅ |
alt+numpad5 | cmd+numpad5 | Open corresponding tool window (Debug) | ✅ |
alt+5 | cmd+5 | Close corresponding tool window (Debug) | ✅ |
alt+numpad5 | cmd+numpad5 | Close corresponding tool window (Debug) | ✅ |
alt+9 | cmd+9 | Open corresponding tool window (Git) | ✅ |
alt+numpad9 | cmd+numpad9 | Open corresponding tool window (Git) | ✅ |
alt+9 | cmd+9 | Close corresponding tool window (Git) | ✅ |
alt+numpad9 | cmd+numpad9 | Close corresponding tool window (Git) | ✅ |
ctrl+s | cmd+s | Save all | ✅ |
ctrl+alt+y | cmd+alt+y | Synchronize | N/A |
ctrl+alt+f | ctrl+cmd+f | Toggle full screen mode | ✅ |
ctrl+shift+f12 | cmd+shift+f12 | Toggle maximizing editor | ✅ |
alt+shift+f | alt+shift+f | Add to Favorites | N/A |
alt+shift+i | alt+shift+i | Inspect current file with current profile | N/A |
ctrl+` | ctrl+` | Quick switch current scheme | ✅ |
ctrl+alt+s | cmd+, | Open Settings dialog | ✅ |
ctrl+alt+s | cmd+numpad_separator | Open Settings dialog | ✅ |
ctrl+alt+shift+s | cmd+; | Open Project Structure dialog | ✅ |
ctrl+shift+a | shift+cmd+a | Find Action | ✅ |
ctrl+tab | ctrl+tab | Switch between tabs and tool window | ✅ |
shift+f12 | shift+f12 | Restore Default layout | ✅ |
Linux, Windows | macOS | Feature | Supported |
ctrl+d | cmd+d | Compare Files | ✅ |
f7 | f7 | Next difference | ✅ |
shift+f7 | shift+f7 | Previous difference | ✅ |
alt+ctrl+enter | alt+cmd+enter | Start new line before current | ✅ |
shift+ctrl+enter | shift+cmd+enter | Start new line | ✅ |
alt+f12 | alt+f12 | Opens and focuses corresponding tool window (Terminal) | ✅ |
alt+f12 | alt+f12 | Close corresponding tool window (Terminal) | ✅ |
ctrl+shift+alt+j | ctrl+cmd+g | Sublime Text style multiple selections | ✅ |
alt+left | shift+cmd+[ | Select previous tab (Terminal) | ✅ |
alt+right | shift+cmd+] | Select next tab (Terminal) | ✅ |
alt+tab | alt+tab | Goto next splitter | ✅ |
shift+alt+tab | shift+alt+tab | Goto previous splitter | ✅ |
enter | enter | Open Highlighted File (Explorer) | ✅ |
alt+home | alt+home | Jump to Navigation Bar | ✅ |
If you enable the setting Use "CamelHumps" words
in IntelliJ, commands like ctrl+left will go to the previous hump in camel case words, rather than the start of the word.
For similar functionality in VS Code, enalbe the config config.intellij-idea-keybindings.useCamelHumpsWords
under Settings.
- Launch Code
- Open command pallet
(Windows) orCmd
(macOS) - Choose
Import IntelliJ Keybindings (XML)
- Copy & Paste it into
- Install Visual Studio Code 1.83.0 or higher
- Launch Code
- From the extension view
(Windows, Linux) orCmd
(macOS) - Search and Choose the extension
Intellij IDEA Keybindings
- Reload Visual Studio Code
- Refactoring commands are not supported
- Sidebar controls are not supported
- Namepad control is not supported at the same time as numbers
- Intellij's custom keymap is not a full copy of its parent keymap. It inherits unmodified shortcuts from the parent keymap and defines only those that were changed. If you use a plugin like Emacs or Vim, only your changes will be exported in the XML
- Warning output for keymaps that could not be imported is not yet implemented
- Cannot load
file directly
Clone a copy of the repo:
git clone https://github.com/kasecato/vscode-intellij-idea-keybindings.git
First, install the package dependencies:
npm install
Now you can compile the code:
- Launch Code
- Edit
) - Run
npm: compile
(Windows, Linux) orCmd
(macOS) - Run Command Markdown Generator
npm run usage
- Paste the Command Markdown to
After the initial compile, the source files will be watched and recompiled when changes are saved.
- @kasecato
- @brianegan
- @whinc
- @mastersimon
- @thekalinga
- @joaomoreno
- @kasperpeulen
- @waderyan
- @megha-n-bodke
- @gregbacchus
- @acim
- @skysteve
- @spik3s
- @AlexAkhremenko
- @rtconner
- @pavilion
- @xc1427
- @michielboekhoff
- @thekalinga
- @andrewda
- @deftomat
- @rinormaloku
- @covertbert
- @flashsphere
- @kroleg
- @faucct
- @glyn
- @ronaldstevanus
- @goncalossilva
- @ZobairQ
- @fabb
- @a-stewart
- @CsCherrYY
- @Eskibear
- @daxmc99
- @jacob314
- @long76
- @rxliuli
- @bananer
- @ShellWen
- @Strajk
This extension is licensed under the MIT License.
- Source code, Resharper 9 Keybindings, https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode.resharper9-keybindings
- IntelliJ IDEA DEFAULT KEYMAP, https://resources.jetbrains.com/storage/products/intellij-idea/docs/IntelliJIDEA_ReferenceCard.pdf
- Key Bindings for Visual Studio Code, https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/keybindings
- Icon, vscode-vs-keybindings, https://github.com/rebornix/vscode-vs-keybindings/raw/master/visualstudio-keyboard.png