hexo-theme-next-ext Public
inspired by hexo-theme-next version5.
git-solo-flow Public
Forked from sunteya/git-solo-flowa simple git branching model
rspec_api_documentation Public
Forked from zipmark/rspec_api_documentationAutomatically generate API documentation from RSpec
carrierwave-qiniu Public
Forked from huobazi/carrierwave-qiniuQiniu Storage support for CarrierWave
carrierwave-upyun Public
Forked from nowa/carrierwave-upyunUpYun storage for CarrierWave
mime-types-data Public
Forked from mime-types/mime-types-dataMIME Type registry data
acts-as-taggable-on Public
Forked from Wangzongcan/acts-as-taggable-onA tagging plugin for Rails applications that allows for custom tagging along dynamic contexts.
the_little_schemer Public
code snippets of the book 《the little schemer》 4th
the_seasoned_schemer Public
code snippets of the book《the seasoned schemer》
DOM_Scripting Public
code snippet of the book "DOM Scripting Web Design with Javascript and the Document Object Model"
Together Public
my personal work: together is better, Online meet-up publish.