- https://www.ambitionfund.org
- The Ambition Fund's mission is to support the professional ambitions of underrepresented people pursuing careers in technology by increasing access to free and low-cost professional development opportunities.
- Contributors welcome!
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Check out the issues page to see what functionality needs help.
For now, if you see a GitHub Issues you're interested in working on, comment on the task expressing your interest.
When contributing, please fork this repository by clicking the “fork” button at the top right. This creates your own copy of the repository where you’re able to make changes. Once you have forked the repository, please structure your branches using the following format.
- Feature branches are for all new feature work. The task description should be descriptive enough to quickly understand the work done in this branch. Please keep your features concise and ensure the work done in this branch directly relates to your task.
- Fix branches should be leveraged for bug fixes on existing features
- Hotfix branches should only ever be leveraged for critical bug fixes that need attention immediately. This would only be use if there is a broken feature or bug on production that needs to be addressed urgently.
To send your changes for review, open a pull request. If you’ve never opened a pull request before, read Thanoshan’s article on creating a pull request for more information!
Fork and download the repository
Navigate to project on your computer and install dependencies:
yarn install
start the development server:
gatsby develop
run unit tests:
yarn test
To have tests re-run as files change then run yarn test:watch
At the project root, compile your application for deployment:
gatsby build
Clean the cache to fix certain errors - run the clean command before starting the dev server:
gatsby clean
At the project root, serve the production build of your site:
gatsby serve
This website uses styled-components. The theme file contains the base styles src/styles/theme.js
and the global styles file contains basic element styles and a style reset src/styles/GlobalStyles.js
Unit tests are written with the React-Testing-Library
Checkout out testing-playground.com for a quick way to run queries against your own html.
This website uses react-anchor-link-smooth-scroll and react-scrollspy.
To link a navigation item to a section simply add an id and string value to a section parent element that corresponds to the same navigation string value in navigation.js
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Monica Powell đź’» |
Jordan Paz đź’» |
Omar Atta đź’» |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!