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MLReef Extendable Pipeline Framework

EPF Testing and debugging

Even tough main development of the EPF is conducted here, there are still some more steps necessary to test and debug the EPF fully.

Docker Images and development branches

Everytime a branch is pushed, the Gitlab pipeline builds a new Docker image for the branch. The Docker image built in this repostitories master branch is deployed as Every other branch and tag is automatically deplyoed to$GIT_BRANCH_NAME or$GIT_TAG_NAME respectively. Deployments representing a specific branch or tag are deleted if the branch is merged or the branch or tag is deleted.

Pointing the Frontend to the correct EPF branch

The EPF is executed durin MLReef pipeline runs. Currently, the template for those pipeline configurations is located in the frontend-repository/web/src/dataTypes.js. At the very top of the template the line image: defines which EPF branch is being used.

Running an Experiment

Firstly, for running an experiment please consult the MLreef User Documentation

Also, the section on pipelines might be very interesting


To run the EPF locally from a docker container use this command:

docker run --name=epf-container --rm --tty --volume ${HOME}:/root --volume ${PWD}:/app python --version

Alternative Usage

Add the following alias to your ~/.bash_rc or ~/.bash_profile depending on your OS

#   --rm                       # Automatically remove the container when it exits
#   --tty                      # Allocate a pseudo-TTY
#   --volume ${HOME}:/root     # Bind mount host os user home directory to container root
#   --volume ${pwd}:/app       # Mount current directory to /app
#   s5:latest                  # Select docker image
alias epf-run="docker run --name=epf-shell-alias-container                    \
    --rm                                                                      \
    --tty                                                                     \
    --volume ${HOME}:/root                                                    \
    --volume ${PWD}:/app                                                      \"



The MLReef Infrastructure is deplyoyed on Aamazon Web Services (AWS).

Gitlab Runner Manager

The so called Gitlab Runner Bastion is a specially configured EC2 Instance. To login you need the private keypair. login: ssh -i "Runner-Bastion-Keypair.pem"

The installation is based on this article: link

Management Commands

sudo vi /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml # edit the bastion configuration file
sudo gitlab-runner start     # start the runner manger service
sudo gitlab-runner stop      # stop the runner manger service
sudo gitlab-runner restart   # restart the runner manger service
sudo gitlab-runner run       # start the runner manger in the local shell session (shows log output)

Gitlab Runner Instances

The type of runner instance has to be configured in the Runner Manager and is currently set to m4.2xlarge. There is also a support request pending to allow us to use p3.2xlarge and p3.16xlarge instances. More information on instance types in the AWS documentation