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MLReef - Frontend Application

This module contains the MLReef frontend web app which is implemented as a REACT Web App.

For more information about MLReef

Getting Started for Frontend Development

Setup your developer environment

  • Install Node (for version see)
    # install homebrew
    /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
    # use homebrew to install node
    brew install node`
  • Install react scripts npm install --global react-scripts

Download Dependencies

Install all frontend dependencies with npm: npm install

Quick start

After install npm dependencies, the quickest way to start a functional development environment is connecting to an existing MLReef API instance, setting the REACT_APP_BACKEND_REROUTE_URL env variable see

You can start the frontend application locally with npm, using the npm start command.

Main technology stack

Project structure

  • web/src/ bootstrapping and configuration files.

  • web/src/__test__/ cotains Unit Tests.

  • web/src/apis/ folder contains calls to resources provided by Gitlab and MLReef APIs.

  • web/src/components/ is the main folder, it contains all the project pieces of code and their styles abstracted in modules, which can be reused by copying and pasting. If a component has its CSS or SCSS file to customize it, the JS and style files must be grouped at the same folder.

    • web/src/components/ui/ contains UI components ideally not conected to store see.
    • web/src/components/layout/ groups some layout components.
    • web/src/components/commons/ contains components that are used by many other parts and are connected to store as well.
    • web/src/components/views/ groups view components that should be imported in web/src/routes.js.
  • web/src/customHooks/ contains React hooks used throughout the application.

  • web/src/customImports/ contains module and libraries' adaptations needed specially for React.lazy() loading.

  • web/src/domain/

  • web/src/functions/ folder contains abstract operations like conversions, math calculations, validations and other logic which is used in modules but separated for readability purposes.

  • web/src/images/ contains contains images that are parsed by webpack (prefer public/images).

  • web/src/router/ this is the MLReef router based on React Router DOM see.

  • web/src/store/ contains actions, reducers, actionTypes and configuration files for the react-redux state.

  • web/src/styles/ contains the core of SCSS styles, its variables, modules and configuration see.

File naming

  • Tests must always finish with .test.js
  • PascalCase should be used for naming components, style files and classes.
  • camelCase should be used for helper functions, actions, reducers, configuration, hooks and any other supporting file.

Env vars

  • The .env file contains vars that can be read for multiple purposes. eg. url of the corresponding backend instance.

Scripts available

  • npm start start webpack developing server in localhost:3000
  • npm test run Unit Tests and save coverage in web/coverage
  • npm run build build the production bundles in web/build
  • npm run testLocally similar to npm test
  • npm run cypress start Cypress Testing Suite (WIP)
  • npm run sitemap create sitemap in web/public/sitemap.xml
  • npm run eject Eject CRA (please don't)
  • npm run storybook start storybook server in localhost:6006
  • npm run build-storybook create storybook static files in web/storybook-static
  • npm run analize-bundle run the analysis of production bundle size in localhost:8888
  • bin/ci-build-frontend create Docker image