cython_hunspell Public
Forked from OpenGov/cython_hunspellCython wrapper on Hunspell Dictionary
arrow-duckdb-browser-client Public
Experimenting with arrow and duckDB interfaces
sidecar_comms Public
Package for setting up comms from the kernel to the kernel sidecar
dx Public
Python support package for DEX visualization
managed-service-fixtures Public
Pytest fixtures for managed services in your tests, such as Cockroach DB, Vault, and Redis
origami Public
Forked from noteable-io/origamiA library capturing message patterns and protocols speaking to Noteable's APIs
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedDec 15, 2023 -
kernels Public
Forked from noteable-io/kernelsDockerfile BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedDec 6, 2023 -
oauth_origami_demo Public
Forked from noteable-io/oauth_origami_demoDemo of using Origami to interact with Noteable API using jwt from OAuth flow
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 28, 2023 -
papermill Public
Forked from nteract/papermill📚 Parameterize, execute, and analyze notebooks
nbclient Public
Forked from jupyter/nbclientA client library for executing notebooks. Formally nbconvert's ExecutePreprocessor
magicbell-python-sdk Public archive
Unofficial Python SDK for MagicBell
clerx Public
💁⛑ Timely Suite of RxJS Operators and Observables
py_cache_manager Public
Forked from OpenGov/py_cache_managerA Python interface for managing dependent caches
RimworldSharknado Public
A mod which fixes Tornadoes in Rimworld
C# MIT License UpdatedNov 25, 2022 -
RimworldThanksForTheFish Public
Basic Rimworld mod adding limited fishing capabilities.
C# MIT License UpdatedNov 25, 2022 -
RimworldTerrainZoneSelect Public
Add ability to select zones based on soil type
RimworldDireRaids Public
A small mod adding a new Raid event to Rimworld
RimworldSwimming Public
A RimWorld mod which adds swimming attribute for pawns to change traversal speed through water
MassGraves Public
Forked from NoImageAvailable/MassGravesMass Graves mod for Rimworld
BiomesIslands Public
Forked from biomes-team/BiomesIslandsThe islands module for the Biomes! mods
C# Other UpdatedOct 30, 2022 -
RimworldTerrainMovementKit Public
A mod for other mods to add terrain specific movement options and restrictions
BiomesCore Public
Forked from biomes-team/BiomesCoreThe core module for the Biomes! mods
C# Other UpdatedJul 31, 2022 -
nbformat Public
Forked from jupyter/nbformatReference implementation of the Jupyter Notebook format
Python Other UpdatedJan 21, 2022 -
BiomesCaverns Public
Forked from biomes-team/BiomesCavernsThe caverns module for the Biomes! mods
C# MIT License UpdatedSep 7, 2021 -
BiomesKit Public
Forked from CosmicOdeum/BiomesKitA framework for implementing new biomes in Rimworld.
C# MIT License UpdatedJul 19, 2021 -
nbconvert-feedstock Public
Forked from conda-forge/nbconvert-feedstockA conda-smithy repository for nbconvert.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJun 23, 2021 -
nbconvert Public
Forked from jupyter/nbconvertJupyter Notebook Conversion
Python Other UpdatedJun 22, 2021