- Toronto
- https://peijun.dev
Compile-time Language Integrated Queries for Scala
🤖 A bot that helps you keep your projects up-to-date
First class syntax support for type classes in Scala
Simple, expressive, and safe UI library for Scala.js
Graph for Scala is intended to provide basic graph functionality seamlessly fitting into the Scala Collection Library. Like the well known members of scala.collection, Graph for Scala is an in-memo…
Describe HTTP endpoints in Scala and derive clients, servers, and documentation
recursion schemes for cats; to iterate is human, to recurse, divine
The exercises for the Functional Effects workshop
Multiple instance derivations inside a single macro annotation
Scala lightweight, type-safe, asynchronous driver for neo4j
🐰 RabbitMQ stream-based client built on top of Fs2
🔒 Opinionated JWT authentication library for Http4s
An idiomatic ZIO client for the Kubernetes API.
Minimal, idiomatic, stream-based Scala interface for key/value store implementations
Plugin to block compilation when unapproved dependencies are used or code styling does not comply.
Prisoner's Dilemma game engine implemented using Cats Free Monad and Freestyle
Scala Library for Reading Flat File Data (CSV/TSV/XLS/XLSX)
Play Framework application reduced to a strict minimum