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Java/Kotlin/Groovy/COBOL languages MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Aurora, DynamoDB, Flyway, Liquibase Spring Framework, Spring Boot, Spring Test, C#, Spring Data Jpa, Spring Jdbc template, Spring Cloud Contract and so on... Camunda, Camunda Cockpit, Camunda Modeleter.
📫 How to reach me: https://github.com/Maksimym?tab=repositories
📫 How to reach me: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrey-z-8a0b68255
📫 How to reach me: Testirovqic@proton.me
📫 How to reach me: https://stepik.org/certificate/f17a7b8c53b9ab05f7757c73985ffa70497cc7ec.pdf
📫 How to reach me: https://exquisitely-recommended-goodly.w3spaces.com
QA Engineer (Junior, Testing, Programming) with over 5 years of commercial experience. I have excellent knowledge in Java, C#, Pyoton development. He mainly worked with monolithic, microservice and serverless architectures. Most of my activity is open source. QA Junior tester worked remotely. Key skills GitAtlassian Jira, Check-list, Test case, error reporting, MS Office, Postman, SQL, Postgre, Python Selenium, PyTest. Driving experience, driver's license category. I am a beginner software tester, currently studying at the SkillFactory online school, specializing in Automated Tester in Python. The IT field has been interesting for a long time. Passed a course of manual testing. I am learning how to automate testing in Python. Teamwork skills: HTML basics, advanced user of Excel, Word, Google spreadsheets, compiling checklists, test cases, error reporting, knowledge of testing methods, ability to test API, basic knowledge of JIRA, Trello, Postman, Git, SQL, Python Selenium, PyTest. Higher education 2006 TSU-YUI Jurisprudence. Language skills Russian - native, English - B2. I take courses in software testing, programming.