This is a Ruby on Rails application, with basic unit tests, for which coverage is uploaded to Codecov on a daily basis via the Codecov Bash uploader. It can also serve as an example for how to integrate Codecov into your Ruby project. If the build is passing for this project, then Codecov's Ruby report processing is functional and correct on
Ruby-Standard-1 uses the Codecov gem to process coverage reports, while this repository, Ruby-Standard-2, uses Codecov's bash uploader to process reports. Otherwise, everything is the same between these two repos.
This project is written in Ruby 2.6.3
using Rails 5.2.3
. Unit tests are written in the RSpec Rails framework. Coverage reports are generated through the SimpleCov gem and formatted via the SimpleCov-Cobertura gem which converts the SimpleCov report into a coverage.xml
file that is easily consumed by Codecov.
Unit tests: spec/index_spec.rb
which tests lib/index.rb
Gemfile configuration:
gem 'simplecov', require: false
gem 'simplecov-cobertura'
RSpec configuration (top of spec/spec_helper.rb
require 'simplecov'
require 'simplecov-cobertura'
SimpleCov.formatter = SimpleCov::Formatter::CoberturaFormatter
is a file that contains settings specific to RSpec. If you're using another testing framework, you'll need to put this information in some other helper Ruby file. For example, if you're using Minitest, which is prepackaged with all Rails applications, you'll need to put the above lines of code insidetest/test_helper.rb
If you've discovered an issue with this repository or with Ruby processing in general, it is recommended to email rather than post an issue here. This repository will not be checked regularly for open issues.
Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to this repository, feel free to open a pull request or flag an issue. If you would like to contribute a new lanaguage standard, you can get more information here.