All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.1.13 (2021-11-17)
0.1.12 (2021-11-09)
- add proxy support (cf66308)
0.1.11 (2021-11-03)
0.1.10 (2021-11-02)
- deps: update dependency validator to v13.7.0 (afe657a)
0.1.9 (2021-11-01)
- add herokuci provider (fdabd2e)
- add network filter (3bbc222)
- add network prefix (4d5ee16)
- ignore
0.1.8 (2021-10-21)
- ignore
- use correct variable for args so verbose logs show (de5f4ef)
0.1.7 (2021-10-19)
- add in remote addr logic (7f56b9a)
- deps: update dependency typescript to v4.4.4 (968433a)
- prefer
(2a0c1bc) - remove unreachable return (2fc983d)
- update azure test (f7d5fe1)
0.1.6 (2021-10-14)
- add in remote addr logic (7f56b9a)
- deps: update dependency typescript to v4.4.4 (968433a)
- prefer
(2a0c1bc) - update azure test (f7d5fe1)
0.1.5 (2021-10-06)
0.1.4 (2021-10-05)
- use
git ls-files
- change
(93a82de) - correct service name of ci (46e82d5)
- prevent SHA files from being uploaded (4bbe5e3)
0.1.3 (2021-09-30)
- deps: update dependency glob to v7.2.0 (f19bd71)
- deps: update dependency yargs to v17.2.0 (9c70e07)
- deps: update dependency yargs to v17.2.1 (670257e)
0.1.2 (2021-09-22)
- add flag to display changelog (de6f3a4)
- add bitbucket pipelines support (08b2c66)
- add getToken helper (ce14f26)
- add helper method for validating shas (d26393e)
- Add Jenkins CI provider (30c786b)
- Allow for source from wrappers (d8159ac)
- Allow for token from yaml (a2e5f4f)
- Appveyor provider (9e67223)
- Azure Provider (4255fe9)
- New Bitbucket provider (0a014a2)
- @returns JSDoc annotations for string (#162) (8230f56)
- Add default Jenkins slug (3d9e84a)
- Add default Teamcity slug (cfb2ac4)
- add export that was removed in error (a610e0f)
- Add more tests (02d1f24)
- Add more tests (0bbdc80)
- Add some tests (c7968b8)
- Add tests for deprecation warning (cd6131c)
- add token querystring (d2e907a)
- Add verbose env var names (fbbf728)
- Allow multiple files to be read (a231eef)
- Allow multiple flags to be specified (1909306)
- always pass pr to server as a number (957509e)
- can't use before declared (57c3a92)
- casting undefined t boolean is false (65ff85e)
- change name to custom (8cc89a9)
- change to use execFileSync for security (92f2c5a)
- codebuild args (34bc976)
- correct flag name regex, remove
from some headers (#160) (7c017c7), closes #150 #144 #156 #147 #157 #158 - correct flags regex to match server and docs (#147) (6d2a1ac)
- correct headers (#149) (cffff17), closes #145
- correct travis ci detection (6c7d150), closes #284
- correct typo (f814be1)
- correctly validate token (4faa6cd)
- deps: pin dependency fast-glob to 3.2.7 (c4231c2)
- deps: pin dependency snake-case to 3.0.4 (a8e50a7)
- deps: update dependency glob to v7.1.7 (#81) (635cb4d)
- deps: update dependency superagent to v5.3.1 (#64) (587df9b)
- deps: update dependency superagent to v6 (#69) (85fdd82)
- deps: update dependency typescript to v4.4.2 (7de1690)
- deps: update dependency typescript to v4.4.3 (ba7ef2b)
- deps: update dependency validator to v13.6.0 (#65) (aaf3639)
- deps: update dependency yargs to v16 (#70) (dabad4d)
- deps: update dependency yargs to v17 (ba9abde)
- do not log token (b514561)
- duplicate in merge resolution (19fb161)
- export error (3fa6add)
- fail validate token if uploader url differs (45dea0f)
- Fix previous tests (e9f46df)
- insert calm and professional review (4270c8b)
- install types and coerce yaml (6aa518f)
- nonzero exit (afb7c0d)
- npm-shrinkwrap (a112caa)
- npm-shrinkwrap (52f9d72)
- Parse multiple flags properly (af143b1)
- paths work correctly on windows (5856d15)
- paths work correctly on windows (#143) (8bbff35)
- Refactor and fix no coverage files provided (f722b8d)
- Remove pycache and .tox folders from search (e79655e)
- Remove clean call (b238723)
- Remove export of function _getPR (edd7158)
- Remove from manualBlacklist (e6a942b)
- Remove hg command from remoteAddr (f45dc7f)
- Remove invalid and dupliate file paths (93ec274)
- Remove shell commands (07c7c3b)
- remove unused function (fetchToken) (69d94ee)
- Revert circleci config changes (fb89052)
- run type-check and correct invalid calls (1af411c)
- Specify log if no token available or empty (48e9542)
- Support globs in files (1733f9c)
- Tests (2f7f7dc)
- Token should be codecov.token and update symlinks (d2cc56d)
- Try to use args before git (65b78ad)
- Update tests (f7b4a09)
- Update tests (e9c9b64)
- url parsing from post results (5ad8bd3), closes #316
- use posix path (#141) (186f731)
- Use remote address not VCS (54a2666)
- Validate UUID tokens (1756b26)
- we do not supoort hg (47b8de3)
- windows patjs not work correctly (92841d8)
- fix: throw if token validation fails
- fix: do not validate token if uploader url is changed with
- refactor: move default url out of function for flexibility
- fix: remove unused function (fetchToken)