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CodeBuild script info


  • How does CodeBuild decide what to install/test ? Historically the environment variables passed to the job dictate what is installed and which tests get run. CodeBuild has a pattern where environment variables can be over-ridden by CloudWatch events or batch jobs, so in some cases the CodeBuild job definition is generic or filled with placeholders (e.g. s2nFuzzScheduled).
  • Why not build docker images with the dependencies layered in ? This is the end goal: get tests running in CodeBuild first, then optimize the containers where it makes sense.

Dep tree

General flow of the CodeBuild Test Projects

  • buildspec_{OS}.yml
    • codebuild/
      • codebuild/
      • codebuild/
      • codebuild/
      • codebuild/
      • codebuild/
      • codebuild/
      • codebuild/
      • codebuild/
      • codebuild/
      • codebuild/
      • codebuild/
    • codebuild/
      • codebuild/
      • codebuild/
      • codebuild/
      • codebuild/
      • codebuild/
      • codebuild/
      • codebuild/
    • codebuild/

Usage to setup Projects

Using your favorite virtualenv, install the following dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

To bootstrap the CodeBuild jobs, the python script:

# Verify your config is correct
./ --config the-config-file.config

# If this is a new stack, commit the changes
./ --config the-config-file.config --production

# If the stack already exists, then use a change set for the existing stack
./ --config the-config-file.config --production --modify-existing

If you are modifying an existing stack then a list of changes will be displayed and you have the option to accept or reject that change set.

ubuntu:codebuild/ $ ./ --config codebuild-integv2.config --production --modify-existing
INFO:root:Wrote cfn yaml file to cfn/s2n_codebuild_projects.yml
INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables.
INFO:root:CloudFormation template validation complete.
INFO:root:Waiting for change set A2d385d4f0fcd217fff42e8a0cf3d51bd34a542e916524018b13176413410c2ab
INFO:root:Summary of changes:
    Action                   Modify
    LogicalResourceId    s2nIntegrationV2OpenSSL111Gcc9Role
    PhysicalResourceId   integv2s2nCodeBuildTests-s2nIntegrationV2OpenSSL11-161F84G7NJWVC
    ResourceType         AWS::IAM::Role
    Replacement               False
    Scope                ['Properties']
    Details              [{'Target': {'Attribute': 'Properties', 'Name': 'Policies', 'RequiresRecreation': 'Never'}, 'Evaluation': 'Static', 'ChangeSource': 'DirectModification'}]

Do these changes make sense? [Y/n]Y
INFO:root:Executing A2d385d4f0fcd217fff42e8a0cf3d51bd34a542e916524018b13176413410c2ab
INFO:root:Update completed
  • Use CloudFormation to create the stack with the generated template.
  • Open the CodeBuild projects in the console and setup the Source correctly, using your OTP credentials to connect to Github

Words about CodeBuild instance size and concurrency

The AWS Codebuild docs list the number of concurrent jobs at 60. With extensive testing, we've learned this number appears to be weighted based on instance size (or provisioning limits), so running all tests on the largest possible instances will reduce actual concurrency. Additionally provisioning time is currently longer for larger instances, so there is a time penalty that might not be recovered by using a larger instance for short lived tests.

Batch Builds

The spec/buildspec_omnibus_batch.yml contains a complete list of all CodeBuild jobs. In the future, this will replace the individual jobs created by the script.

The broken out batch jobs: fuzz, integration and general, are created with the script, which uses jq to parse out the jobs by title.

Notes on moving from Travis-ci

  • Install_clang from Travis is using google chromium clang commit from 2017- which requires python2.7 (EOL); updated for CodeBuild.
  • CodeBuild's environment is more restrictive than Travis- these jobs require elevated privilege to function.
  • Warning message from the fuzzer about test speed appear in CodeBuild output, but not in Travis-CI with the same test (See comments on AWS forums about a difference in ANSI TERM support); this also affects colorized output.
  • macOS/OSX platform files were not copied because CodeBuild does not support macOS builds.

Querying CodeBuild projects

Here is a sample of how to double check the size of the build hosts, as an example. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY for an associated AWS account will need to be set for this to work, as well as a file called jobs, listing the names of all the CodeBuild jobs you'd like to check.

for i in $(cat jobs); do echo -e "$i\t";aws codebuild batch-get-projects --name "$i" |jq '.projects[].environment.computeType'; done