View Example Of Image Compression Results
[OPTIMIZED] ./image_1.png
PNG/RGBA: 516.6 KB -> PNG/RGBA: 490.8 KB π» 5.0%
[OPTIMIZED] ./image_2.png
PNG/RGBA: 771.8 KB -> PNG/RGBA: 741.5 KB π» 3.9%
[OPTIMIZED] ./image_3.png
PNG/RGBA: 737.3 KB -> PNG/RGBA: 707.8 KB π» 4.0%
[OPTIMIZED] ./image_4.png
PNG/RGBA: 31.4 KB -> PNG/RGBA: 30.7 KB π» 2.3%
[OPTIMIZED] ./image_5.png
PNG/RGBA: 203.9 KB -> PNG/RGBA: 200.0 KB π» 1.9%
[OPTIMIZED] ./image_6.png
PNG/RGBA: 534.2 KB -> PNG/RGBA: 514.5 KB π» 3.7%
Processed 6 files (2.7 MB) in 4.3s (1.4 f/s).
Optimized 6 files.
Average savings: 18.3 KB per optimized file
Total space saved: 109.9 KB / 3.9%
How to use this action
Note: By DEFAULT all supported image file types in the root of your repo excluding sub-folders will be optimized. (SVG images are NOT supported)
To optimize a single image file:
- uses: MarketingPipeline/Image-Optimizer-Action@main
filename: filename.jpg
To optimize all image files in a directory and all of its subdirectories:
- uses: MarketingPipeline/Image-Optimizer-Action@main
filename: /example_folder_path/
recursion: true
To optimize all image files in a directory, without recursion:
- uses: MarketingPipeline/Image-Optimizer-Action@main
filename: /example_folder_path/
Workflow Example(s)
View Example Workflow Usage
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: MarketingPipeline/Image-Optimizer-Action@main
- name: Commit and Push Optimized Images
run: |
git config --global "github-actions[bot]"
git config --global "41898282+github-actions[bot]"
git add -A
git commit -m "Added Optimized Images"
git push
Example workflow file
Want to imrpove this action? Create a pull request with described in detail with your changes! If approved you will be added to the list of contributors of this awesome project!
See also the list of contributors who participate in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.