- Lahore, Pakistan
- 5h ahead - https://masumajaffery.github.io/Portfolio/
- @MasumaJaffery
- in/masumajaffery
- @icodedreams
- https://icodedreams12.vercel.app
- Pro
Portfolio Public
The Portfolio holds the brief bio and showcase of projects that I will made during my Microverse Program by using technologies html, css & js, My All Future Projects will Land on this Website.
weather-app Public
The Weather App is based on Iraq Weather Forecast. Fetching Data from open source weather Api and renders on web app.
React-Tailwind-Template Public template
This Repository have a Perfect Start to new Project with React + Vite + TailwindCSS. You can use this template to make your own projects.
CSS UpdatedJun 9, 2024 -
daisyui-admin-dashboard-template Public
Forked from robbins23/daisyui-admin-dashboard-templateFree admin dashboard template using Daisy UI, React js and Tailwind CSS
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 26, 2024 -
Language-Switch Public
Este Repo tiene Método de cambio de idioma inglés a español. https://www.notion.so/masumajaffery/Multi-Language-React-16356764f2eb40189bed2029f5e66a31
human-essentials Public
Forked from rubyforgood/human-essentialsHuman Essentials is an inventory management system for diaper, incontinence, and period-supply banks. It supports them in distributing to partners, tracking inventory, and reporting stats and analy…
React-Bootstrap-Template Public template
About This Repository have a Perfect Start to new Project with React + Vite + Bootstrap. You can use this template to make your own projects.
space-travelers-hub Public
This is a React and Redux website that displays a list of Rockets and Space Missions and allows you to book rockets and join selected space missions.This is a React and Redux website that displays …
Flutter Public
¡En este repositorio tengo los conceptos de Introducción a Flutter en buena forma!
HTML-CSS-Conversion Public
This Repo is Part of Interns School, This is first project about convert a design which uses HTML/CSS skills.
CSS MIT License UpdatedFeb 8, 2024 -
Odin-React Public
This Repo contains Initial Concepts of React that taught by Odin Project.
ChatBot Public
This Repo is the exercise of icodethis.com but it contains chatbot functionality with React and OpenAI Chatgpt API.
Memory-Game Public
This Repo is exercise of Odin-Project. The Theme of Memory Game is Ever After High that is my fav childhood series.