This mod will make a lot of things in your factory flammable and even explosive.
Be careful routing your belts, flammable items can cause a chain reaction.
Now that's an OSHA violation!
Items like coal, wood, rocket fuel, flamethrower ammo, normal ammo, explosives, oil barrels etc. will spread fire on belts, some will cause small explosions.
Chests with flammable / explosive items can catch fire when their hp falls below 100 (configurable) and upon destruction can explode. Some items will cause a fireball upon explosion (mainly liquids like oils, rocket fuel etc.)
Fluid tanks as well as fluid wagons can catch fire when their hp falls down enough. If they contain crude/light/heavy oil or petroleum gas they will explode with a small fireball.
Cargo wagons carrying flammable/explosive items behave similarly to how chests do in a fire.
Since bitters can't really start fires, there is a small chance that destroying a power pole will start a fire :D
Explosion and fireball sizes all depend on the amount of items / fluid inside or on a belt.
PVP might be fun with this :P
Most modded things should work by default. This is not the case with item properties.
As of now each mod would have to add in their burnable/explosive items manually.
This may change in the future with items based on crafting recipe or fuel value.
To add your custom items/fluids do the following:
Add "Arson" as an optional dependency
"dependencies": ["? Arson"]
Inside control.lua call the proper functions of "maticzplars-flammables" interface
local function add_flammables()
if remote.interfaces["maticzplars-flammables"] and remote.interfaces["maticzplars-flammables"].add_item then"maticzplars-flammables", "add_item",
"se-vulcanite", -- Item name
5, -- Fire strength
10, -- Fire spread cooldown
true, -- Make fireball
0.5 -- Explosion radius
)"maticzplars-flammables", "add_fluid",
"se-liquid-rocket-fuel", -- Fluid name
20, -- Fire strength
true, -- Make fireball
1.5 -- Explosion radius
-- Added in 0.2.1"maticzplars-flammables", "recalculate_flammables",
"^se%-" -- Ignore match statement
The above example will make space exploration vulcanite and liquid rocket fuel flammable.
Item flammability was calculated by Arson mod before the mod adding its own flammable items and fluids.
and add_fluid
calls will overwrite the previously calculated flammability of those items and fluids.
That alone can leave some items that you might not want to be flammable, flammable.
In order to clear those items you can recalculate flammable items and fluids and ignore any with your mod prefix which in this case is se-
The ignore string uses standard lua match patterns.
In the end only vulcanite and liquid rocket fuel will be flammable out of all the items and fluids in your mod.
Alternatively you can leave out the ignore string and the flammability of all the other items will be determined by their crafting recipes.
Bear in mind that you still should define the flammability of base items / fluids that cannot be crafted from simpler ingredients in order for the mod to properly calculate the flammability.