Tags: MattSturgeon/browser-extension
fix: inject buttons only on pull request page (Mergifyio#31) Fixes MRGFY-4496
feat: support new GitHub merge box (Mergifyio#30) Fixes MRGFY-4360
revert: "feat: support new GitHub merge box" (Mergifyio#28) Reverts Mergifyio#27 GitHub is slowed down once the extension is updated. We have to rework this change.
chore: update logos (Mergifyio#25) Change-Id: Ide80de2fad2039ca73242ee5794ba373f76220a5
ci: use OIDC to get the valid token (Mergifyio#20) Google API token are not allowed to use this API
ci: fix the assets upload url (Mergifyio#17) Change-Id: I93baf13847a328a53ae1a8aaa8efaf28d2fe9075