emwas is a tool that gather searches from different porn sites and display them into one only convivial interface. It allows you to find the porn you're looking for faster and gives you the direct link to the original videos. It is for now intended to work with a limited number of non-free big porn websites.
This repo concerns the API part of the tool.
emwas API is now hosted at api.emwas.co. If you want you can also use our emoji shortcut : api.๐๐.ws.
The VueJS client code is available here.
You can find and edit the API documentation here.
Doc is hosted.
If you want to contact the team, keep in touch or get the latest informations, you can join the Slack team.
If you want to contribute, please do. We use pretty much the usual classical way to handle contributions, please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
This tool is licenced under a pretty uncomon licence which is CeCILL 2.1. It is a french licence, fully compatible with GNU-GPLv3 but more adapted to french law. You can just treat it the same way you usually do with GNU-GPLv3.