- [feature][change] rtl: fix alignment of buttons #1039
- [feature] code: add copy-to-clipboard to pre-only elements #1036
- [bug] code: fixing negative margin on inline clipboard #1038
- [bug] tooltip: make font reliable #1037
- [bug] code: avoid inline code to display above sticky table headers #1035
- [task] openapi: update swagger-ui to 5.19.0 #1041
- [task][change] theme: move dependencies from static to assets #1040
- [bug] theme: custom.css not written to public #1033
- [bug] print: block code has to much bottom margin in FF #1030
- [feature] theme: make content footer configurable #1025
- [feature] favicon: respect assets directory #1023
- [feature] code: wrap inline code if necessary #1022
- [feature] image: support for inlining image content #1019
- [feature] search: remove warning for deprecated JSON output format #1017
- [feature] children: improve if listed as headings #1015
- [feature] menu: adjust contrast of zen variants #1013
- [feature] logo: make header color configurable #1012
- [feature] theme: add compat way of including scripts #1009
- [feature][change] menu: support downloadable links #1008
- [feature] link: add check for menu links #1002
- [feature] theme: add new source output format #1001
- [feature] openapi: make collapse-all work for tag sections #999
- [feature] theme: make table headers sticky #997
- [feature] link: add ignore list to checker to skip certain URLs #971
- [feature] menu: increase expander left margin #943
- [feature][change] link: support link variations through query parameter #850
- [bug] include: a11y: remove first heading for screen reader if hideFirstHeading #1028
- [bug] breadcrumbs: default to site title for home page #1027
- [bug] breadcrumb: fix Google Search Console errors #1026
- [bug] mermaid: tooltips cause page layout to shift #1021
- [bug] scroll: live reload doesn't preserve the scroll position #1014
- [bug] theme: guard access to page.File.Filename #1005
- [bug] variant: fix table contrast issue #998
- [task] docs: move docs and provide a simple exampleSite #1003
- [bug] scroll: fix high cpu usage #996
- [bug] a11y: don't select a11y helper text in selection #993
- [bug] headings: add anchor link in nested shortcode #992
- [bug] highlight: make copy of selection work with
- [bug] taxonomy: fix rendering if
#986 - [bug] bug: missing translations for Markdown topbar button #985
- [feature] clipboard: make copy button reachable by keyboard #983
- [feature] a11y: use native button elements where appropriate #982
- [feature] markdown: support new output format #979
- [feature] topbar: improve button configuration #978
- [feature] details: support built-in Hugo shortcode #957
- [bug] notice: avoid tab focus for non-expandable boxes #977
- [bug] variant: fix importing base variants #974
- [bug] notice: links aren't clickable #968
- [bug] shortcodes: correctly detect empty shortcode content #966
- [feature] theme: add Persian language #961
- [feature] notice: add parameter groupid #954
- [feature] notice: improve accessibility of notice title #897
- [bug] mermaid: print preview closes automatically after opening #959
- [bug] mermaid: escape diagram the recommended way #950
- [bug] search: fix compat error with Hugo 0.126.0 #949
- [bug][change] theme: fix flash on non-default variant #757
- [task] menu: replace clumsy expand implementation #955
- [task][change] expand: use notice internally #953
- [task] mermaid: update to 11.4.1 #951
- [task] theme: leverage code styling config #947
- [bug] children: remove superfluous text ".LinkTitle" #942
- [feature][change] children: use LinkTitle instead of Title #939
- [feature][change] menu: support nested Hugo menus #423
- [feature] menu: support for external links #148
- [bug] search: wrong searchindex URL with multilang per server config #940
- [bug] search: search page not generated with renderer.unsafe #929
- [feature][change] logo: move Relearn logo to docs #924
- [feature][change] math: adhere to Hugo's default config params #923
- [feature][change] theme: replace font #922
- [feature][breaking] theme: reduce build time #685
- [bug] theme: remove duplicate path warning #926
- [task] theme: remove author deprecation warning #919
- [task] theme: remove deprecation waring for usage of .Sites.First #912
- [task][breaking] theme: restructure code #891
- [task][breaking] search: improve generation of dedicated search page #888
- [task] theme: remove warning for usage of .Site.IsMultiLingual #877
- [task][breaking] roadmap: upcoming major changes for 7.0.0 #715
- [bug] highlight: remove additional newlines from code if copied from cursor selection #925
- [feature] notice: support user defined box styles #913
- [feature] frontmatter: add
parameter for shortcodes #911 - [feature] resources: add
parameter #908 - [feature][change] notice: collapse borders if single code block is displayed #906
- [bug] include: don't erroneously remove headings if
- [task] build: add link for migration into changelog #915
- [task] shortcodes: fix whitespace issues #907
- [feature] theme: support Obsidian styled alerts #903
- [feature] notice: add expander to box title #901
- [bug] children: fix sort parameter #898
- [bug] mermaid: classDiagram breaks when using <> #895
- [bug] toc: don't show toc button if empty #893
- [task] mermaid: update to 11.1.0 #904
- [task][change] expand: rename
parameter toexpanded
#902 - [task] i18n: update Arabic translation #900
- [feature][change] anchor: add option to scroll into view #886
- [feature] theme: support for GitHub styled alerts #885
- [bug] arrownav: avoid rude event handling for form elements #887
- [task] 404: move styles to separate file #889
- [bug] link: link resolving stopped working in certain configurations #882
- [feature][change] assetbuster: use asset buster for all resources #875
- [feature] theme: sync to Hugo changes for PublishDate #872
- [feature] theme: allow errorlevel override on page level #870
- [feature] relref: provide shortcodes to lift certain restrictions #864
- [feature] openapi: adjust to Hugo's build-in link render hook #860
- [feature][change] include: adjust to Hugo's build-in link render hook #859
- [bug] variant: auto variant references potentially wrong chroma style #873
- [bug] schema: sync to Hugo changes for LanguageCode #866
- [bug] taxonomy: simplify code #852
- [bug] alias: index.html has displays error in content #851
- [task] icon: update Font Awesome to 6.6.0 #881
- [task] math: update MathJax to 3.2.2 #880
- [task] openapi: update swagger-ui to 5.17.14 #879
- [task] mermaid: update to 10.9.1 #878
- [task] theme: remove special cases for LanguageCode #861
- [task] link: adjust to Hugo's build-in code #858
- [task] image: adjust to Hugo's build-in code #857
- [task] opengraph: sync to Hugo's implementation #856
- [task] i18n: improve file naming #848
- [feature][breaking] theme: unify description #845
- [feature] schema: add schema support in meta data #844
- [feature] include: use Hugo's resources #835
- [feature] math: allow to work with Hugo's passthrough configuration #832
- [feature] i18n: add Romanian translation #828
- [feature][breaking] menu: remove menuTitle frontmatter #714
- [feature][breaking] theme: end support for Internet Explorer 11 #584
- [bug] frontmatter: move frontmatter config for docs out of root #843
- [bug] images: color outline using primary color #838
- [bug][breaking] variant: avoid Hugo permission errors on build #831
- [bug] theme: unwanted paragraph break with AsciiDoc #829
- [task][breaking] swagger: remove shortcode #847
- [task][breaking] search: remove JSON outputformat for search index #846
- [task] theme: sync to Hugo's implementation #841
- [task][change] fontawesome: update to 6.5.2 #834
- [feature] theme: simplify title generation #825
- [feature] theme: adjust to Hugo's build-in code #824
- [feature][change] link: warn if fragment is not found #823
- [feature] theme: add styling for selected HTML elements #822
- [feature] a11y: improve search box #821
- [feature][change] dependencies: make loader more versatile #820
- [feature] nav: scroll to prev/next heading using keyboard shortcut #819
- [feature] breadcrumb: use .LinkTitle instead of .Title if available #816
- [bug] scrollbar: scroll bar in side menu gets stuck in dragged state on mobile #808
- [feature] icons: use fixed width to ease layout #812
- [bug] search: broken since version 5.26.1 #813
- [bug] search: fix result links for pages in root #810
- [bug] mermaid: show reset button after pan #807
- [bug] openapi: make it run for
protocol #806 - [bug] theme: fix relative path detection if
- [feature] image: add lazy loading image effect option #803
- [feature] render-hook: support Markdown attributes #795
- [feature] theme: support full page width #752
- [bug] clipboard: fix broken style if block code is in table #790
- [bug] nav: browser back navigation does not jump to the correct position #509
- [task] build: update all available actions to nodejs 20 #802
- [task] openapi: update swagger-ui to 5.11.10 #798
- [task] mermaid: update to 10.9.0 #797
- [feature][change] theme: print out GitInfo in page footer if configured #786
- [feature][change] resources: new shortcode to deprecate attachments shortcode #22
- [bug] swagger: fix compat warning #787
- [bug] theme: avoid crash on 404 if author settings want to warn #785
- [feature] image: adjust to Hugo 0.123 #777
- [bug] link: resolve fragments #775
- [feature] link: make resolution reporting configurable #774
- [feature] theme: compatibility with Hugo 0.123 #771
- [feature] topbar: support editURL in frontmatter #764
- [feature] menu: use --MENU-WIDTH-S to adjust mobile flyout #761
- [feature] figure: support built-in shortcode #746
- [feature] theme: make heading a template #744
- [feature] taxonomy: make arrow nav browse through terms #742
- [feature] theme: switch from config.toml to hugo.toml #741
- [feature] button: make non-interactive if used as mock #740
- [feature][change] topbar: allow text for button #739
- [feature] theme: run hugo demo site without warning #736
- [feature] menu: make swipe handler passive #735
- [feature] i18n: support standard Hugo options #733
- [feature] a11y: show tab focus on images #730
- [feature] a11y: improve discovering links on keyboard navigation #726
- [feature][change] variant: increase contrast for light themes #722
- [feature] theme: break build if minimum Hugo version is not matched #719
- [feature] taxonomy: humanize term on missing term title #713
- [bug] taxonomy: display translated title #772
- [bug] highlight: fix codefence syntax in Hugo >= 0.121.0 #749
- [bug] link: fix links to pages containing dots in their name #748
- [bug] image: get resource images if link is prefixed with
#747 - [bug] theme: switch dependency colors on OS color scheme change #745
- [bug] clipboard: fix O(n²) buttons #738
- [bug] button: fix whitespacing in FF #737
- [bug] i18n: fix warning messages for zh-CN #732
- [bug] mermaid: fix zoom button #725
- [bug] theme: fix JS errors on
hugo --minifiy
#724 - [bug] include: fix whitespacing in codefences #723
- [bug] taxonomy: fix sorting of terms on content pages #710
- [feature] taxonomy: improve term page #705
- [bug] variant: fix typo in chroma-learn.css #708
- [bug] links: ignore local markdown links linking to files with extension #707
- [feature] taxonomy: allow for content on term pages #701
- [feature] theme: write full file path on warnings #699
- [feature] theme: show anchor link and copy to clipboard button on mobile #697
- [feature][change] config: adjust to changes in Hugo 0.120 #693
- [feature] variants: add more contrast to neon #692
- [feature] mermaid: only show zoom reset button if zoomed #691
- [feature] menu: add additional sort options #684
- [feature] theme: add social media meta information #683
- [feature] theme: simplify additional JS dependencies #682
- [feature] links: warn if ref/relref is used falsly #681
- [feature] menu: make width configurable #677
- [feature] tabs: use color for link of inactive tabs #675
- [feature] taxonomy: modularize term list generation #671
- [feature] theme: remove warnings with
hugo --printI18nWarnings
#670 - [feature] theme: implement portable linking #377
- [bug] links: extra space before link text #700
- [bug] mermaid: reset zoom correctly #690
- [bug] theme: fix mobile layout for width=48rem #676
- [bug] frontmatter: resemble documented shortcode style #672
- [bug] taxonomy: display terms in pages if
- [feature] i18n: add Swahili translation #666
- [feature] math: hide unrendered math #663
- [feature] tabs: improve a11y by removing duplicate hidden title #662
- [feature] mermaid: improve zoom UX #659
- [bug] variant: fix sidebar-flyout borders color for zen #667
- [bug] clipboard: fix RTL location of tooltip #661
- [bug] clipboard: ignore RTL for code #660
- [bug] expand: fix aria-controls #658
- [bug] theme: fix id generation for markdownified titles #657
- [bug] mermaid: avoid graph bombing on hugo --minify #656
- [bug] mermaid: fix width for some graphs #655
- [feature] mermaid: add pan&zoom reset #651
- [feature] markdown: add interlace color for tables #648
- [feature] search: add breadcrumb to dedicated search results #647
- [feature][change] menu: optionally disable index pages for sections #642
- [bug] variants: restore generator zoom #650
- [bug] clipboard: malused Fontawesome style #649
- [bug][change] theme: avoid id collisions between headings and theme #646
- [bug] theme: remove HTML validation errors #644
- [bug] breadcrumb: remove superflous whitespace between items #643
- [bug] breadcrumb: don't ignore spaces for separator #636
- [bug] theme: fix snyk code issues #633
- [bug] images: apply image effects to lightbox images #631
- [task] openapi: update to swagger 5.7.2 #641
- [feature][change] theme: support for colored borders between menu and content #626
- [feature] image: allow option to apply image effects globally #623
- [feature][change] openapi: switch to light syntaxhighlighting where applicable #621
- [feature] images: document usage of images with links #576
- [bug] highlight: fix rendering for Hugo < 0.111 #630
- [bug] search: remove link underline on dedicated search page #627
- [bug] highlight: don't switch to block view if hl_inline=true #618
- [bug] variant: minor adjustments to zen variants #617
- [bug] mermaid: lazy render graph if it is initially hidden #187
- [task] openapi: update to swagger 5.4.1 #620
- [feature] highlight: add title parameter #616
- [feature] variant: signal variant switch as event #614
- [feature] variant: add zen variant in light and dark #613
- [feature] i18n: add Hungarian translation #604
- [feature] mermaid: update to 10.3.0 #601
- [bug] siteparam: avoid halt if param is a map/slice #611
- [bug] mermaid: fix broken zoom since update to v10 #608
- [bug] mermaid: variant generator diagram does not respond to events #607
- [bug] print: avoid chroma leak for relearn-dark #605
- [task] mermaid: update to 10.3.1 #610
- [feature][change] shortcodes: add more deprecation warnings #598
- [feature][change] shortcodes: change
parameter topage
if called as partial #595 - [feature] siteparam: support nested parameters and text formatting #590
- [feature][change] a11y: improve when tabbing through links #581
- [bug] openapi: inherit RTL setting from Hugo content #600
- [bug] 404: fix display in RTL #597
- [bug] highlight: fix position of copy-to-clipboard button in RTL #594
- [bug] openapi: fix spelling #593
- [bug] search: fix typo in output format #591
- [bug] tabs: fix tab selection by groupid #582
- [bug] theme: restore compat with Hugo 0.95.0 #580
- [bug][change] theme: improve display of links #577
- [feature][change] highlight: make copy to clipboard appear on hover #574
- [feature] highlight: add configurable line breaks #169
- [bug] theme: support Hugo 0.114.0 #573
- [bug] taxonomy: fix number tags #570
- [bug] highlight: improve copy to clipboard #569
- [feature] theme: revamp 404 page #566
- [feature] theme: add deprecation warnings #565
- [bug] mermaid: allow for YAML frontmatter inside of graph #564
- [bug] alias: fix redirect URLs in case of empty BaseURL #562
- [feature] tabs: add title and icon option #552
- [feature] shortcodes: add style option to mimic code box color scheme #551
- [feature] tabs: support color options #550
- [feature] favicon: add light & dark option for OS's preferred color scheme #549
- [bug] icon: remove whitespace on start #560
- [bug] shortcodes: avoid superflous margin at start and end of content #558
- [bug] expand: fix html encoding of finishing content tag #557
- [bug] icon: fix ouput "raw HTML omitted" with goldmark config unsafe=false #555
- [feature] taxonomy: add support for category default taxonomy #541
- [bug] attachments: work for Hugo < 0.112 #546
- [bug] shortcodes: intermediately use random ids instead of .Ordinal #543
- [feature] tab: new shortcode to display single tab #538
- [feature][change] tabs: treat groupid as unique if not set #537
- [feature] expand: indent expanded content #536
- [feature] notice: make boxes more prominent #535
- [bug] attachments: fix build error since Hugo 0.112 #540
- [bug] tags: show taxonomy toc for standard installation #533
- [bug] tags: translate breadcrumb and title for taxonomy #532
No changelog for this release.
- [feature] tags: improve search index for tags #531
- [feature] tags: increase readability of taxonomy pages #530
- [feature] nav: make breadcrumb separator configurable #529
- [feature] i18n: add translation for default taxonomies #528
- [feature] theme: set appropriate defaults for all theme specific params #516
- [feature] theme: allow to display tags below article #513
- [bug] shortcode: make .context always a page #527
- [bug] print: enable print for pages with build options #522
- [bug] openapi: allow toc to scroll page #526
- [feature][change] openapi: replace implementation with swagger-ui #523
- [bug] variant: avoid leaking shadows in neon print style #524
- [feature] theme: better HTML titles and breadcrumbs for search and tag pages #521
- [bug] menu: avoid hiding of expander on hover when active item has children #520
- [bug] menu: showVisitedLinks not working for some theme variants #518
- [bug] theme: fix resource URLs for 404 page on subdirectories #515
- [bug] expand: not properly exanded when used in bullet point list #508
- [bug] theme: disableExplicitIndexURLs param is not working as expected #505
- [bug] attachments: fix links if only one language is present #503
- [bug] shortcodes: allow markdown for title and content #502
- [bug] menu: fix state for alwaysopen=false + collapsibleMenu=false #498
- [feature] variant: add relearn bright theme #493
- [bug] generator: fix setting of colors #494
- [feature] frontmatter: support VSCode Front Matter extension #481
- [feature] theme: make expand and image ids stable #477
- [feature] variant: set scrollbar color to dark for dark variants #471
- [feature] i18n: add full RTL support #470
- [feature] piratify: fix some quirks, arrr #469
- [feature][change] theme: optimization for huge screen sizes #466
- [bug] i18n: write code ltr even for rtl languages #492
- [bug] anchor: fix link in FF when served from file system #482
- [bug] shortcodes: don't break build and render for invalid parameters #480
- [bug] nav: restore scroll position on browser back #476
- [bug] variant: avoid style leak for auto style #473
- [task] build: add imagebot #485
- [bug] tabs: nested tabs content is not displayed #468
- [bug] variant: include missing
in distribution #467
- [feature] i18n: add Czech translation #455
- [feature][change] lightbox: switch to CSS-only solution #451
- [feature][change] variant: add support for
#445 - [feature][change] expand: refactor for a11y #339
- [feature][change] mermaid: make zoom configurable #144
- [bug] swagger: avoid errors when using invalid rapi-doc fragment ids #465
- [bug] search: fix oddities in keyboard handling #463
- [bug] badge: fix text color for IE11 #462
- [bug] mermaid: rerender graph if search term is present and variant is switched #460
- [bug] tags: show tag on pages when tag has space #459
- [bug] edit: remove double slash on root page link #450
- [task] build: add moving version tags #453
- [task][change] theme: remove jQuery #452
- [task] build: check for release notes before release #448
- [bug] nav: fix breadcrumb for huge installations #446
- [bug] print: fix image links with relative path #444
- [feature] shortcodes: support for accent color #440
- [feature] shortcodes: add color parameter where applicable #438
- [feature] theme: announce translations as alternate links #422
- [bug] nav: fix breadcrumbs for deeply nested sections #442
- [bug] theme: improve whitespacing in tables #441
- [bug] variant: fix search icon and text color #437
- [bug] nav: fix left/right navigation for horizontal scrolling #435
- [bug][breaking] theme: allow pages on top level #434
- [task] build: switch to wildcard version of actions #428
- [bug] search: apply dependency scripts for Hindi and Japanese #427
- [feature] theme: make external link target configurable #426
- [feature][change] theme: open external links in separate tab #419
- [feature] theme: make it a Hugo module #417
- [bug][change] attachments: fix incorrect links for defaultContentLanguageInSubdir=true #425
- [bug] theme: fix alias for home page if defaultContentLanguageInSubdir=true #414
- [feature] icon: add new shortcode #412
- [feature] theme: style and document markdown extensions #411
- [feature] badge: add new shortcode #410
- [feature] theme: add accent color #409
- [bug] theme: fix spacing for tag flyout in FF #413
- [feature] button: refactor for a11y #372
- [bug] search: don't freeze browser on long search terms #408
- [bug] search: fix searchbox placeholder color in FF and IE #405
- [bug][change] i18n: rename Korean translation from country to lang code #404
- [task] search: update lunr languages to 1.10.0 #403
- [feature] search: make build and js forgiving against config errors #400
- [bug] menu: relax usage of background color #399
- [bug] theme: make alias pages usable by file:// protocol #398
- [bug] theme: be compatible with Hugo >= 0.95.0 #397
- [bug] theme: build breaks sites without "output" section in config #396
- [bug] theme: fix image distortion #395
- [feature] toc: improve keyboard handling #390
- [feature] search: improve keyboard handling #387
- [feature] search: add dedicated search page #386
- [feature] theme: make creation of generator meta tag configurable #383
- [feature] theme: increase build performance #380
- [bug] mermaid: avoid leading whitespace #394
- [bug] theme: fix build errors when referencing SVGs in markdown #393
- [bug] variant: avoid neon to leak into IE11 fallback #392
- [bug] theme: fix urls for file:// protocol in sitemap #385
- [bug] theme: add id to h1 elements #384
- [bug] rss: fix display of hidden subpages #382
- [bug] nav: fix key navigation when pressing wrong modifiers #379
- [task] mermaid: update to version 9.2.2 #391
- [bug] tags: fix non-latin tag display on pages #378
- [bug] theme: fix typo in 404.html #376
- [bug] theme: allow menu items and children to be served by file:// protocol #375
- [bug] theme: fix overflowing issue with anchors and tooltips #364
- [feature][change] theme: optimize page load for images #304
- [feature] history: refactor for a11y #341
- [bug] theme: fix multilang links when site served from subdirectory #370
- [task] build: change set-output to env vars #348
- [bug] mermaid: fix Gantt chart width #365
- [feature] math: allow passing of parameters with codefence syntax #363
- [feature] i18n: add Finnish translation #361
- [feature] mermaid: allow passing of parameters with codefence syntax #360
- [feature] i18n: support RTL #357
- [feature][change] button: add option for target #351
- [feature][change] theme: allow to be served by file:// protocol #349
- [bug] archetypes: fix frontmatter on home.md template #346
- [bug] nav: change defunct keyboard shortcuts #344
- [feature] expander: improve whitespace between label and content #338
- [feature] swagger: improve print version #333
- [bug] print: fix links of subsections #340
- [bug] theme: remove W3C validator errors #337
- [bug] children: remove unused
parameter from docs #336 - [bug] print: remove menu placeholder in Firefox #335
- [bug] swagger: fix download button overflow #334
- [bug][change] a11y: remove WCAG errors where applicable #307
- [bug] theme: remove HTML5 validator errors #329
- [bug] print: chapter pages overwrite font-size #328
- [bug] print: fix urls for uglyURLs=true #322
- [feature] i18n: improve Japanese translation #318
- [bug] nav: prev/next ignores ordersectionby #320
- [task] task: bump Hugo minimum requirement to 0.95 #319
- [feature][change] menu: expand collapsed menus if search term is found in submenus #312
- [bug] print: switch mermaid and swagger style before print #316
- [bug] theme: fix chapter margins on big screens #315
- [bug] tags: don't count tags if page is hidden #310
- [feature][change] print: make print url deterministic #309
- [feature] theme: allow overriding partials for output formats #308
- [bug] ie11: no styles after rework of archetypes #306
- [bug] theme: load CSS if JS is disabled #305
- [feature][breaking] theme: optimize loading of js and css #303
- [feature][change] archetypes: modularize rendering #300
- [feature] history: don't reload page when history gets cleared #299
- [feature] menu: replace expander by fontawesome chevrons #296
- [feature] theme: align content with topbar icon limits #290
- [feature] button: allow for empty href #288
- [feature] i18n: make Simplified Chinese the standard language for the
code #287 - [feature] clipboard: move head styles to stylesheet #286
- [feature] math: add mathjax rendering #235
- [feature] theme: allow for page heading modification #139
- [bug] favicon: fix URL if site resides in subdirectory #302
- [bug] code: show copy-to-clipboard marker for blocklevel code #298
- [bug] menu: make active expander visible on hover #297
- [bug] print: disable arrow navigation #294
- [bug] print: add missing page break after index or section #292
- [bug] theme: use more space on wide screens #291
- [bug] theme: fix size of chapter heading #289
- [bug] swagger: javascript code does not load in documentation #285
- [bug] children: descriptions not working #284
- [bug] print: fix empty page for shortcut links #283
- [bug] theme: fix url for logo and home button #282
- [bug][breaking] include: second parameter is ignored #281
No changelog for this release.
No changelog for this release.
- [feature][change] tabs: don't change tab selection if panel does not contain item #279
- [feature] shortcodes: convert to partials #277
- [bug] swagger: avoid builtin syntaxhighlighting #280
- [bug] search: fix console message for missing lunr translations #278
- [bug] tabs: fix wrapping when having many tabs #272
- [bug] notice: fix layout when content starts with heading #275
- [feature] i18n: support multilang content #271
- [bug] i18n: Vietnamese language with wrong lang code #270
- [bug] i18n: fix search for non western languages #269
- [feature] theme: improve keyboard navigation for scrolling #268
- [bug] swagger: adjust font-size for method buttons #267
- [bug] menu: hide expander when only hidden subpages #264
- [bug] theme: make compatible with Hugo 0.100.0 #263
- [feature] toc: add scrollbar #262
- [bug] theme: let browser scroll page on CTRL+f #242
No changelog for this release.
- [feature] shortcodes: add named parameter if missing #260
- [feature][breaking] theme: remove --MAIN-ANCHOR-color from stylesheet #256
- [feature] i18n: add Italian translation #254
- [feature] attachments: support for brand colors #252
- [feature] notice: support for brand colors #251
- [feature][breaking] config: remove custom_css #248
- [feature] theme: use proper file extension for page-meta.go #246
- [feature] variant: add support for brand color variables #239
- [feature] i18n: add Polish translation #237
- [bug] shortcodes: accept boolean parameters if given as string #261
- [bug] print: adjust button and tab size #259
- [bug] print: show Mermaid if requested in frontmatter #255
- [bug] theme: adjust thin scrollbar slider #244
- [bug] mobile: fix broken scrollbar #243
- [bug] theme: fix display of tooltip for heading anchor #241
- [bug] theme: fix IE11 incompatibilities #234
- [feature] i18n: add Traditional Chinese translation #233
- [feature] menu: expand/collapse menu items without navigation #231
- [feature] print: add option to print whole chapter #230
- [feature][breaking] theme: apply user supplied content footer below content #229
- [bug] theme: scroll to heading on initial load #232
- [feature] theme: add CSS font variables #227
- [feature] swagger: add support for oas/swagger documentation #226
- [bug] variant: make variant switch work on slow networks #228
- [bug] print: fix minor inconsistencies #225
- [bug] print: show more than just the title page #224
- [bug] theme: align content scrollbar to the right on big screens #223
- [feature][change] mermaid: support differing themes for color variant switch #219
- [feature] mermaid: load javascript on demand #218
- [task] mermaid: update to 8.14.0 #220
- [feature] i18n: add Korean translation #217
- [bug] theme: make storage of multiple Hugo sites on same server distinct #214
- [bug] variant: switch breadcrumb color in Chrome #213
- [bug] mobile: improve behavior of sidebar menu #210
- [feature] theme: improve font loading #201
- [feature][change] variant: fix inconsistent color variable naming #200
- [bug] variant: fix occasional fail when resetting generator #208
- [bug] docs: don't move header on logo hover in IE11 #207
- [bug] variant: avoid flash of menu header when non default variant is active #206
- [bug] theme: fix wrong HTML closing tag order in chapters #205
- [bug] theme: adjust breadcrumb and title for empty home page titles #202
- [feature] tags: show tag count in taxonomy list #195
- [bug] theme: remove Hugo build warning if page is not file based #197
- [bug] tags: adhere to titleSeparator #196
- [bug] theme: hide footer divider and variant selector in IE11 #194
- [feature] tags: sort by name #193
- [feature] children: set containerstyle automatically according to style #192
- [bug] theme: revert fontawsome to version 5 for IE11 compat #191
- [feature] variant: build a variant generator #188
- [feature] nav: only show toc if the page has headings #182
- [feature][breaking] theme: change default colors to Relearn defaults #181
- [feature] variant: add a variant selector #178
- [feature][breaking] menu: rework footer UX #177
- [feature] theme: support for dark mode #175
- [feature] docs: use light syntax highlighting theme #174
- [feature] notice: tweak dull colors #173
- [feature] theme: rework header UX #151
- [bug] search: remove additional X in filled out search box in IE11 #190
- [bug] clipboard: localize tooltips #186
- [bug] print: hide sidebar on Mac #183
- [bug] menu: fix scrollbar height #180
- [bug][change] search: fix color change for icons on hover #176
- [bug] menu: remove debug output #171
- [bug] menu: let arrow navigation respect ordersectionsby configuration #170
- [bug] docs: fix links in official documentation #168
- [bug] menu: invalid URL when the shortcut is an internal link #163
- [feature] theme: add theme version info to head #158
- [bug] theme: fix selection of *.ico files as favicons #160
- [bug] menu: fix significantly low performance for collecting of meta info #157
- [bug][breaking] relref: fix inconsistent behavior #156
- [bug] search: make dropdown stick to search field when scrolling #155
- [bug] menu: align long text properly #154
- [bug] copyToClipBoard: add missing right border for inline code if
#153 - [bug] menu: show hidden sibling pages reliably #152
- [bug] menu: bring active item in sight for large menus #149
- [bug] mermaid: let zoom reset to initial size #145
- [bug] mermaid: remove whitespace from big graphs #143
- [bug] mermaid: always load javascript to avoid break if code fences are used #142
- [bug] search: don't break JS in multilang setup if search is disabled #140
- [feature] toc: make disableTOC globally available via config.toml #133
- [feature] mermaid: only load javascript if necessary #95
- [feature][change] theme: switch font #83
- [feature] theme: make favicon configurable #2
- [bug] mermaid: assert that window.mermaid is actually mermaid #136
- [bug] menu: remove usage of Hugo's UniqueID #131
- [bug] theme: reduce margin for children shortcode #130
- [bug] theme: left-align h3 in chapters #129
- [bug] theme: align copy link to clipboard #128
- [feature] notice: support custom titles #124
- [bug] theme: generate correct links if theme served from subdirectory #120
- [bug] security: fix XSS for malicious image URLs #117
- [feature][change] syntax highlight: provide default colors for unknown languages #113
- [bug] theme: remove runtime styles from print #111
- [feature] lang: add vietnamese translation #109
- [feature][change] theme: simplify stylesheet for color variants #107
- [feature] hidden pages: remove from RSS feed, JSON, taxonomy etc #102
- [feature] theme: announce alternative content in header #101
- [feature] menu: frontmatter option to change sort predicate #98
- [feature] menu: add default setting for menu expansion #97
- [feature] theme: improve print style #93
- [feature] theme: improve style #92
- [bug] include: don't generate additional HTML if file should be displayed "as is" #110
- [bug] attachments: fix broken links if multilang config is used #105
- [bug] theme: fix sticky header to remove horizontal scrollbar #82
- [task] chore: update fontawesome #94
- [bug] docs: rename history pirate translation #91
- [bug] docs: rename english pirate translation to avoid crash on rendering #90
- [bug] theme: fix usage of section element #88
- [feature] sitemap: hide hidden pages from sitemap and SEO indexing #85
- [bug] theme: fix showVisitedLinks in case Hugo is configured to modify relative URLs #86
- [task] theme: switch from data-vocabulary to schema #84
- [feature] search: open expand if it contains search term #80
- [feature] menu: scroll active item into view #79
- [feature] search: disable search in hidden pages #76
- [feature] search: improve readability of index.json #75
- [feature] search: increase performance #74
- [feature] search: improve search context preview #73
- [feature] tabs: enhance styling #65
- [feature] theme: improve readability #64
- [feature] menu: show hidden pages if accessed directly #60
- [feature][change] theme: treat pages without title as hidden #59
- [feature] search: show search results if field gains focus #58
- [feature] theme: add partial templates for pre/post menu entries #56
- [feature] theme: make chapter archetype more readable #55
- [feature] children: add parameter for container style #53
- [feature] theme: make content a template #50
- [feature] menu: control menu expansion with alwaysopen parameter #49
- [feature] include: new shortcode to include other files #43
- [feature] theme: adjust print styles #35
- [feature][change] code highlighter: switch to standard hugo highlighter #32
- [bug][change] arrow-nav: default sorting ignores ordersectionsby #63
- [bug][change] children: default sorting ignores ordersectionsby #62
- [bug][change] arrow-nav: fix broken links on (and below) hidden pages #61
- [bug] theme: remove superfluous singular taxonomy from taxonomy title #46
- [bug][change] theme: missing --MENU-HOME-LINK-HOVER-color in documentation #45
- [bug] theme: fix home link when base URL has some path #44
- [task] docs: include changelog #33
- [feature] theme: adjust copy-to-clipboard #29
- [feature] attachments: adjust style between notice boxes and attachments #28
- [feature] theme: adjust blockquote contrast #27
- [feature] expand: add option to open on page load #25
- [feature] expand: rework styling #24
- [feature] attachments: sort output #23
- [feature] notice: make restyling of notice boxes more robust #20
- [feature] notice: fix contrast issues #19
- [feature] notice: align box colors to common standards #18
- [feature] notice: use distinct icons for notice box type #17
- [bug] attachments: support i18n for attachment size #21
- [bug] notice: support i18n for box labels #16
- [bug] notice: support multiple blocks in one box #15
- [task] dependency: upgrade jquery to 3.6.0 #30
- [task] theme: prepare for new hugo theme registration #13
- [feature] mermaid: expose options in config.toml #4
- [bug] mermaid: config option for CDN url not used #12
- [bug] mermaid: only highlight text in HTML elements #10
- [bug] mermaid: support pan & zoom for graphs #9
- [bug] mermaid: code fences not always rendered #6
- [bug] mermaid: search term on load may bomb chart #5
- [task] mermaid: update to 8.10.2 #7
- [task] Prepare for hugo showcase #3
- [task] Fork project #1