In this project, we'll combine Jenkins, Git, GitHub, Docker, Kubernetes, and ArgoCD to deploy our Python web application onto a Kubernetes cluster.
1. Developer will push the code to github
2. Jenkins will clone the repository to jenkins environment ,
3. jenkins will Build docker image using Dockerfile that was attached with code,
4. Jenkins will push that image to container registory Dockerhub,
5. Jenkins will retag the image with new image tag on github deployment file
6. Argocd will deploy deployments/pods and service from that manifests files to the kubernetes cluster
Step: 1
- create a kubernetes cluster and virtual machine ( this will be our environment )
- connect cluster with vm ( you need to be able to access cluster from vm )
Step: 2
- install docker, openjdk-11 and jenkins in virtual machine as per your operating system
Step: 3
start jenkins server and install this plugins to jenkins
-- SSH
-- docker
-- groovy
-- github, git
Step: 4 ( global credentials )
add credential of dockerhub
id: dockerhub
username= <username-of-dockerhub>
password= <password-of-dockerhub>
generate personal access token with scope
repo, admin:repo_hook, notification
add credential of github
id: github
username= <username-of-github>
password= <personal-access-token>
( personal access token
should have sufficiant permissins to push code on your github repo, admin:repo_hook, notification, )
Step: 5
- create a pipeline named "buildimage" in jenkins
- at Build Triggers section select
GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling
- at pipeline section select:
Pipeline script from SCM ( Git )
repository : your repository with Dockerfile, code, and Jenkinsfile
( provide credential if your repo is privet )
- at Build Triggers section select
Step: 6
- create pipeline named "updatemanifest" in jenkins
- select
This project is parameterized
default value: latest
- at pipeline section select:
Pipeline script from SCM ( Git )
repository : your repository with Dockerfile, code, and Jenkinsfile
( provide credential if your repo is privet )
- select
( note: Your jenkins vm should have Public IP because we are using webhooks)
Step: 7
at your github kubernetescode repository
settings > Webhooks > Add webhook
url : <your-jenkins-url/github-webhook/
example url :
( makeshure your github repo should be upto date ) -
now try to build first "buildimage" pipeline
( it should automatically run updatemanifest pipeline )
Step: 8
- Now we are going to install argocd in our kubernetes cluster using this commands
kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl apply -n argocd -f
- change argocd service to LoadBalancer or NodePort for accessing argocd
service name : service/argocd-server
kubectl edit service/argocd-server -n argocd
- default user for argocd will be
- to get password for login to argocd use command
kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d; echo
( you can also use argocd cli )
Step: 9
- create app in argocd
provide this details- application name:
- Project:
- sync policy: as per your requirement
- Source:
Repository URL:
Path:( ./ )
- click
- first argocd will deploy application as per github manifests
Step: 10
- install git-github to your vm
- authanticate with your repo using pat
- clone kubernetescode repo
- make changes in your code and push it to your repository
- check that it is deploying ( updating ) application or not
Feel free to reach out with any comments or improvements you might have. Thank you for taking the time to explore our GitOps project!"
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