Discord bot for Weasley's Chess Club server
- Convert to UTC (
/to utc
) - Convert date/time to UTC given the timezone - Convert from UTC (
/from utc
) - Convert from UTC to a given timezone - Time Difference (
/time diff
) - Displays how long until a date (or how long since) - Timezone info (
/tz info
) - Displays the UTC offset for a timezone given by its abbreviation
- Flip a coin (
/coin flip
) - Randomly chooses between Heads and Tails - Pawn swap (
/pawn swap
) - Takes the names of two players and assigns one to White and the other to Black
- Play Live (
/play live
) - Get a live game URL on Lichess with custom options (default is standard 10+10) - Play Daily (
/play daily
) - Get a correspondence or unlimited URL on Lichess (default is unlimited time) - Game Status (
/game status
) - Get the status of a Lichess game
Note: Weasley Chess Club server only
- Clock - Displays the current UTC time in a clock channel
- Scoreboard - Updates channel name with the current points when messages are updated in the scoreboard channel