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feat: support new GitHub merge box (#27)
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DouglasBlackwood authored Dec 13, 2024
1 parent 551e941 commit fc8d789
Showing 1 changed file with 170 additions and 32 deletions.
202 changes: 170 additions & 32 deletions src/mergify.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -9,6 +9,21 @@
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@@ -30,42 +45,39 @@ function buildBtn(command) {
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return `${}&repository=${data.repo}&pullRequestNumber=${data.pull}`

function getMergeQueueLink() {
var data = getPullRequestData()
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const url = new URL(document.location.href)
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var repo = parts[2]
var pull = parts[4]
var eventlogLink = `${org}&repository=${repo}&pullRequestNumber=${pull}`
var mergequeueLink = `${org}&repository=${repo}&branch=main`

var headline = document.createElement("span")
headline.className = "status-meta"
headline.innerHTML = `
This pull request is managed by Mergify.<br/>
<a class="Link--inTextBlock btn-link" href="${mergequeueLink}" target="_blank">View merge queue</a> —
<a class="Link--inTextBlock btn-link" href="${eventlogLink}" target="_blank">View event logs of the pull request.</a>
<a class="Link--inTextBlock btn-link" href="${getMergeQueueLink()}" target="_blank">View merge queue</a> —
<a class="Link--inTextBlock btn-link" href="${getEventLogLink()}" target="_blank">View event logs of the pull request.</a>

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@@ -90,13 +102,139 @@ function buildDetailItem () {
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title.textContent = "Mergify"

var subtitle = document.createElement("p")
subtitle.className = "fgColor-muted mb-0"
subtitle.textContent = "This pull request is managed by Mergify."

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mergeQueueLink.className = "fgColor-muted mb-0"
mergeQueueLink.innerHTML = `<a class="Link--inTextBlock btn-link" href="${getMergeQueueLink()}" target="_blank">View merge queue</a>`

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eventLogLink.className = "fgColor-muted mb-0"
eventLogLink.innerHTML = `<a class="Link--inTextBlock btn-link" href="${getEventLogLink()}" target="_blank">View event logs of the pull request</a>`

return container

function buildButton(command) {
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return container

function buildTitleAndButtonsContainer() {
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function tryInject() {
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// Classic merge box
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// New merge box
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if (detailSection) {
detailSection.insertBefore(buildMergifySectionForNewMergeBox(), detailSection.firstChild)

0 comments on commit fc8d789

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