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Swagger / OpenAPI 2 and OpenAPI 3 template parameters

Note that properties of OpenAPI objects will be in OpenAPI 3.0 form, as Swagger / OpenAPI 2.0 definitions are converted automatically.

Code templates

  • method - the HTTP method of the operation (in lower-case)
  • methodUpper - the HTTP method of the operation (in upper-case)
  • url - the full URL of the operation (including protocol and host)
  • consumes[] - an array of MIME-types the operation consumes
  • produces[] - an array of MIME-types the operation produces
  • operation - the current operation object
  • operationId - the current operation id
  • opName - the operationId if set, otherwise the method + path
  • tags[] - the full list of tags applying to the operation
  • security - the security definitions applying to the operation
  • resource - the current tag/path object
  • parameters[] - an array of parameters for the operation (see below)
  • queryString - an example queryString, urlEncoded
  • requiredQueryString - an example queryString for required:true parameters
  • queryParameters[] - a subset of parameters that are in:query
  • requiredParameters[] - a subset of queryParameters that are required:true
  • headerParameters[] - a subset of parameters that are in:header
  • allHeaders[] - a concatenation of headerParameters and pseudo-parameters Accept and Content-Type, and optionally Authorization (the latter has an isAuth boolean property set true so it can be omitted in templates if desired

Parameter template

  • parameters[] - an array of parameters, including the following pseudo-properties
    • shortDesc - a truncated version of the parameter description
    • safeType - a computed version of the parameter type, including Body and schema names
    • originalType - the original type of the parameter
    • exampleValues - an object containing examples for use in code-templates
      • json - example values in JSON compatible syntax
      • object - example values in raw object form (unquoted strings etc)
    • depth - a zero-based indicator of the depth of expanded request body parameters
  • enums[] - an array of (parameter)name/value pairs

Responses template

  • responses[] - an array of responses, including status and meaning properties

Authentication template

  • authenticationStr - a simple string of methods (and scopes where appropriate)
  • securityDefinitions[] - an array of applicable securityDefinitions

Schema Property template

  • schemaProperties[] - an array of
    • name
    • type
    • required
    • description
  • enums[] - an array of (schema property)name/value pairs

Common to all templates

  • openapi - the top-level OpenAPI / Swagger document
  • header - the front-matter of the Slate/Shins markdown document
  • host - the (computed) host of the API
  • protocol - the default/first protocol of the API
  • baseUrl - the (computed) baseUrl of the API (including protocol and host)
  • widdershins - the contents of widdershins package.json