- upgraded mermaid to version
- upgraded mermaid to version
- pinned parcel-bundler
- updated publish workflow
- support for mermaid metadata in structured field values format
- upgraded mermaid version
- upgraded mermaid version
- added
setting documentation - upgraded mermaid version
- removed
- switched from using hardcoded
scheme toWebview.asWebviewUri
- updated mermaid
- fixed the fixed azure devops regex
- fixed azure devops regex
- added configuration for controlling minimap visibility
- added support for azure devops
- fixed parse crash #91
- added support form state diagrams and pie charts via mermaid@8.4
- publish workflow with actions
- bring font-awesome icon handling on par with mermaid online editor
- improved rendering customization/theme handling
- added configuration options
- new preview app running in webview
- added preview app to publishing pipeline
- removed travis
- remove mermaid processing in builtin markdown previewer
- updated mermaid (8.2.2)
- updated mermaid
- added pipeline for publish on tag
- added zoom and pan
- center vertically graph diagrams
- added extension pack containing: syntax highlighting
- fixed peer dependencies
- transitioned from htmlPreview to webview
- rerender on configuration change
- apply user provided custom theme
- added link to mermaid website.
- fixed loop text style in sequence diagrams
- updated mermaid 8.0.0-rc8
- added sphinx directive support
- added hugo shortcodes support
- added Mermaid language contribution
- added a minimap of the diagram
- flowcharts can be scrolled horisontally if diagram wider than pane
- reverted pan and zoom as is not working well on retina displays
- added pan and zoom support for the rendered diagram
- Support for standalone Mermaid files .mmd iiska
- added preliminary support for previewing mermaid diagrams into default markdown previewer
- fixed theme selection using new mermaid api
- updated mermaid dependency v7.1.0
- updated mermaid dependency v7.0.17
- updated mermaid dependency v7.0.4
- Added FontAwesome (4.7) support
- Convert mermaid resource path to a file URL for OS compatibility FrodgE
- update dependencies to mermaid 7.0.0
- made arrowhead fix a configuration extension.
- fixed #13
- render arrowheads (#2)
- added support for dark theme
- throttle preview update
- added support for diagrams inside markdown fenced block
- added diagram customization
- preview diagram (light theme)