- London, UK
- @merott
This is a Full Stack app starter with the foundational things setup and configured for you to hit the ground running on your next EPIC idea.
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Awesome deals on Black Friday: Apps, SaaS, Books, Courses, etc.
How to implement Web Push Notifications with live demo and instructions
DiceBear is an avatar library for designers and developers. 🌍
A Next.js starter app with NextAuth.js (Auth), Prisma (ORM), and PlanetScale (database), ready to be deployed on Netlify
A tiny (124 bytes), secure, URL-friendly, unique string ID generator for JavaScript
Catalog of Angular 2+ Components & Libraries
Lerna is a fast, modern build system for managing and publishing multiple JavaScript/TypeScript packages from the same repository.
A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, scalable, and enterprise-grade server-side applications with TypeScript/JavaScript 🚀
Spectre.css - A Lightweight, Responsive and Modern CSS Framework
Angular wrapper library for the Perfect Scrollbar
💾 Database Tools incl. ORM, Migrations and Admin UI (Postgres, MySQL & MongoDB) [deprecated]
Turning web forms into conversations
A reactive programming library for JavaScript
TypeScript compiler with Reflection capabilities
Stupid nyancat animation on your +$2k MacBook Pro's Touchbar
Clear examples, explanations, and resources for RxJS
Native Angular components & directives for Lightning Design System
The Reactive Extensions for JavaScript
[!!DEPRECATED!!] See https://github.com/zerothstack/zeroth for renamed project
Advanced Angular seed project with support for ngrx/store, ngrx/effects, ngx-translate, angulartics2, lodash, NativeScript (*native* mobile), Electron (Mac, Windows and Linux desktop) and more.
Example app showcasing the ngrx platform
Integrating NativeScript with Angular