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AudioContext Interrupted State




The Web Audio API is widely used to add advanced audio capabilities to web applications, like web-based games and music applications. One of the API's features is the AudioContext interface, which represents an audio graph. An AudioContext can find itself in one of three states: "suspended", "running", or "closed". Once an AudioContext is in the "running" state, it can only pause media playback by transitioning to the "suspended" state when, and only when, user code calls AudioContext.suspend() on this AudioContext. However, there are situations where we might want to let the User Agent (UA) decide when to interrupt playback - e.g., the proposed "media-playback-while-not-visible" permission policy, the proposed Audio Session API, or during a phone call where the calling application will need exclusive access to the audio hardware. To support these scenarios, we propose adding a new "interrupted" state to the AudioContextState enum.


The main goal of this proposal is to allow the UA to be able to interrupt AudioContext playback when needed, given that there are a couple of user scenarios - e.g., incoming phone calls, screen lock, etc - and proposed web API's that could make good use of this functionality.

"media-playback-while-not-visible" permission policy

The "media-playback-while-not-visible" permission policy allows the UA to pause media playback on unrendered iframes. However, since the Web Audio API does not allow the UA to suspend audio playback, the proposed permission policy has no mechanism available to pause media playback.

Audio Session API

Similarly, the Audio Session API could also make use of the "interrupted" state. Whenever the AudioSessionState is "interrupted", the AudioContext of the document would also transition to the "interrupted" state. As a matter of fact, the AudioContext's "interrupted" state has been implemented on WebKit and is currently being used by the Audio Session API.

In Safari, on MacOS Sonoma 14.5, if there an active web page with the AudioContext in the "running" state, and if we set the audio session type to "auto" with navigator.audioSession.type = "auto"; whenever the laptop's screen is locked, the AudioContext will transition to the "interrupted" state. When the screen is unlocked, the state will automatically switch to "running" again.

Exclusive access to audio hardware

There are scenarios where another application may acquire exclusive access to audio hardware. For example, when a phone call is in progress. In this situation, if there is already an AudioContext in the running state, it makes sense that the UA pauses the AudioContext using the interrupted state while the call is in progress.

The "interrupted" state

This explainer proposes adding the "interrupted" state to the AudioContextState enum, as shown below:

enum AudioContextState {

Whenever an AudioContext transitions to either "suspended" or "interrupted", audio playback would halt. The main difference between "suspended" and "interrupted" is that an AudioContext can only move to the "suspended" state if the user triggered the state change; while the UA can transition the context to the "interrupted" state if there is a need for that.

With the addition of the "interrupted" state, the following state transitions would also be introduced:

  • "running" -> "interrupted";
    • Would happen whenever the UA needs to interrupt audio playback.
  • "suspended" -> "interrupted";
    • Shouldn't happen automatically. This transition should happen only if there is an ongoing interruption and AudioContext.resume() is called.
  • "interrupted" -> "running";
    • By the time that the cause of the interruption ceases to exist, the UA can transition to "running" if audio playback is allowed to resume automatically.
  • "interrupted" -> "suspended"; and
    • By the time that the cause of the interruption ceases to exist, the UA can transition to "suspended" if audio playback is not allowed to resume automatically or if AudioContext.suspend() has been called during the interruption.
  • "interrupted" -> "closed".
    • The AudioContext's state should move immediately to "closed" when AudioContext.close() is called.

The state transition from "suspended" to "interrupted" should not happen automatically, due to privacy concerns. Doing this transition automatically every time an interruption occurs might unnecessarily expose too much information to web pages - e.g., when a phone call comes in. To prevent fingerprinting in this scenario, the AudioContext should remain in the "suspended" state, even though it is interrupted behind the curtains. However, calling AudioContext.resume() should trigger the state change from "suspended" to "interrupted" if the interruption is still active. Therefore, while in the "suspended" state with an ongoing interruption:

  • Calling AudioContext.resume() would return a rejected promise and transition to the "interrupted" state;
  • Calling AudioContext.suspend() is a NOOP;

Finally, while in the "interrupted" state:

  • Calling AudioContext.resume() would return a rejected promise;
  • Calling AudioContext.suspend() would change the AudioContext's state to "suspended" and return a promise that should resolve when the AudioContext's state has transitioned to "suspended".
  • Calling AudioContext.close() would return a promise that should resolve when the AudioContext's state has transitioned to "closed"

Key scenarios

The "interrupted" state can be used by a couple of proposed API's, like the "media-playback-while-not-visible" permission policy and the Audio Session API (this list is not exhaustive).

"media-playback-while-not-visible" permission policy

Whenever an iframe, which has the "media-playback-while-not-visible" permission policy enabled, is not rendered anymore, the UA would transition the iframe's AudioContext to the "interrupted" state to pause audio rendering.

In the example below, we should have the following behavior:

  1. When the iframe is loaded, the application should initially print "suspended" on the console.
  2. Clicking on the "play-audio-btn" button, should start the AudioContext and "running" should be printed on the console.
  3. Clicking on the "iframe-visibility-btn" button, should hide the iframe and "media-playback-while-not-visible" will interrupt the AudioContext. Thus, "interrupted" should be printed on the console.
  4. Clicking again on the "iframe-visibility-btn" button, should show the iframe. The "media-playback-while-not-visible" permission policy will end the interruption and move the AudioContext to the "running" state. As a result, "running" should be printed on the console.
<!-- index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <button id="iframe-visibility-btn">Hide iframe</button>
      <iframe id="audiocontext-iframe" src="audiocontext-iframe.html" allow="media-playback-while-not-visible 'none'; autoplay *"></iframe>
      const HIDE_IFRAME_BTN_STR = "Hide iframe";
      const SHOW_IFRAME_BTN_STR = "Show iframe";

      const iframe_visibility_btn = document.getElementById("iframe-visibility-btn");

      iframe_visibility_btn.addEventListener("click", () => {
      const audiocontext_iframe = document.getElementById("audiocontext-iframe");
      if (iframe_visibility_btn.textContent === HIDE_IFRAME_BTN_STR) {
        // Hide the iframe"display", "none");
        iframe_visibility_btn.textContent = SHOW_IFRAME_BTN_STR
      } else {
        // Show the iframe"display", "block");
        iframe_visibility_btn.textContent = HIDE_IFRAME_BTN_STR
<!-- audiocontext-iframe.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <button id="play-audio-btn">Play audio</button>
      const audio_context = new AudioContext();
      const oscillator = audio_context.createOscillator();

      const play_audio_btn = document.getElementById("play-audio-btn");

      audio_context.addEventListener("statechange", () => {

      play_audio_btn.addEventListener("click", () => {

      window.addEventListener("load", () => {

Audio Session API

Whenever the Audio Session API needs to pause media playback, the document's active AudioContext would transition to the "interrupted" state. Let's say that a UA decides that the Web Audio API should not play any audio whenever the screen gets locked and the navigator's object AudioSessionType is set to "auto". Since the current Web Audio API spec does not allow the UA to transition the AudioContext's state to "suspended", the UA can instead move the AudioContext to the "interrupted" state. Once the interruption ends, if the UA does not resume playback automatically, the application code can monitor the AudioContext's state changes and be able to call AudioContext.resume() when the AudioContext is in the "suspended" state.

Given the snippet below, where the AudioSession type is set to "auto", we would have the following behavior:

  1. Page is loaded and the AudioContext is "suspended".
  2. After clicking on the "Play Audio" button, the AudioContext state will be "running".
  3. The screen gets locked. At this moment, based on the the Audio Session API type, the UA should interrupt the AudioContext, and the context's state should now be "interrupted".
  4. The screen gets unlocked. The UA should lift the interruption and the AudioContext should transition to the "running" state.
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <button id="play-audio-btn">Play audio</button>
      const audio_context = new AudioContext();
      const oscillator = audio_context.createOscillator();

      const play_audio_btn = document.getElementById("play-audio-btn");

      audio_context.addEventListener("statechange", () => {

      play_audio_btn.addEventListener("click", () => {

      window.addEventListener("load", () => {
        navigator.audioSession.type = "auto";

Web compatibility risks

When AudioContext.resume() is called for an AudioContext in the "closed" state, the returned promise is rejected. With this proposal, the same behavior will happen when AudioContext.resume() is called while the AudioContext interrupted (could happen either during "suspended" or "interrupted"). In this case, a web page that is not aware of the existence of the "interrupted" state might think that the AudioContext has been closed.

Privacy considerations

Moving the AudioContexts to the "interrupted" state might giveaway some information about the user's behavior - for example, when the user started a voice call or locked the screen. However, since "interrupting" an AudioContext could be associated with several types of interruptions, exposing this new state shouldn't be a major concern. Moreover, to mitigate privacy concerns, this proposal forbids automatically transitioning from "suspended" to "interrupted" to avoid unnecessarily exposing interruptions. This state transition will only happen if AudioContext.resume() is called.

Considered alternatives

This sections lists a number of alternatives taken into consideration prior to and during the writing of this document.

Re-use the "suspended" state

We first considered in the "media-playback-while-not-visible" permission policy proposal using the "suspended" state whenever media playback needed to be paused. However, this is not possible, because only user code can suspend an AudioContext.

Stakeholder Feedback / Opposition

References & acknowledgements

Many thanks for valuable feedback and advice from: