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Set and Reset Clip()

Authors: sushraja-msft, travisleithead

Status of this Document

This document is a starting point for engaging the community and standards bodies in developing collaborative solutions fit for standardization. As the solutions to problems described in this document progress along the standards-track, we will retain this document as an archive and use this section to keep the community up-to-date with the most current standards venue and content location of future work and discussions.


Canvas 2d contexts support the ability to create clipping regions via the context.clip() API. Once a clipping region is set on the canvas, subsequent drawing commands only render the intersection of the drawing command's region with that of the clipping region. If an existing clipping region is set, calling clip() again will result in a clipping region that is the intersection of the last clipping region with the requested region. [see spec]

Clipping Concerns

Four areas of concern illustrate the use cases and context for our proposal.

Animation loops

When using clip() in an animation loop (e.g., via a requestAnimationFrame callback), say to spotlight a main character, developers will quickly realize that the "current clipping region" exhibits the somewhat unexpected intersection-with-previous-clip behavior. If the center of attention is moving, the clip region intersection behavior quickly results in an empty clipping region in which everything is getting clipped:

let spot = { x: 50, y: 50 };
function animationFrameCallback() {
   context.clearRect( 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height );
   let spotlight = new Path2D();
   spotlight.arc( spot.x, spot.y, /*...*/ );
   context.clip( spotlight ); // Create a circle clipping region centered at 'spot'
   // Draw main character here...
   // Move the spotlight to the right
   requestAnimationFrame( animationFrameCallback );

At this point, the developer will naturally check the documentation for a way to reset the clipping region, but won't be able to find such an API because it doesn't exist. Eventually, they may stumble upon the unintuitive workaround for this limitation.

Multiple clips

In many scenarios, in order to render the desired effect, multiple clipping regions (that do not intersect) are needed. For example, imagine rendering a series of contacts, where each contact image is clipped to a particular shape.

Rectangular contact image being clipped to a circle shape

The desired result is a grid of images.

Four rows of 7 contact images, all clipped to a circle shape

The natural approach to rendering this grid involves writing a few loops and processing each contact image's clip and drawing logic within the nested loop body. However, if done sequentially in that way, none of the images beyond the first one would render because of the cumulative nature of clip().

Fortunately, since clipping regions are based on paths, and because paths can have independent sub-paths (e.g., path.rect() and path.arc() both create independent sub-paths of path), it is possible to create a single path to use as a clipping region that can address this use case. Unfortunately, the result leads to a poor design pattern: the forced separation of the logic that sets up the clipping region from the logic that performs the drawing after the clipping region is established:

// draw background and labels
// ...

// setup clipping path (with sub-paths for each contact image)
let comboClipRegion = new Path2D();
for ( let row = 0; row < 4; row++ ) {
   for ( let col = 0; col < 7; col++ ) {
      comboClipRegion.arc( col * WIDTHSPACING, row * HEIGHTSPACING, /*...*/ );
// Set the clip region
context.clip( comboClipRegion );
// Draw the contact images into the "holes" provided by the current clipping region
for ( let row = 0; row < 4; row++ ) {
   for ( let col = 0; col < 7; col++ ) {
      context.drawImage( getImg( col, row ), col * WIDTHSPACING, row * HEIGHTSPACING, /*...*/ );


The current clipping region is one of the features managed by the canvas's drawing state. This makes it possible to workaround the previous two concerns by pushing a "clean" canvas state onto the stack of drawing states using before setting the clipping region, performing related drawing instructions, and then popping off the state using context.restore() to discard or "reset" the clipping region. This is the state-of-the-art in managing clipping regions, but it has a few potential drawbacks:

  1. It may not be clear where in code to place the save() and restore() points.
  2. Managing clipping state with save() and restore() could interfere with other drawing state that is managed by the stack of drawing states, such as the current transform, associated fill or stroke styles, the global alpha, shadows, etc.
  3. The current path is not one of the things managed by the stack of drawing state. Care must be taken when using clip() against the current path and assuming that restore() will also reset the current path to what it was prior to a save().
  4. Excessive use of save() and restore() can be a performance bottleneck, since these APIs must store and assign a copy of all of the related drawing states-- not just the clipping path.

API Consistency

The behavior of the clipping region is very similar to how the canvas' transformation matrix works, as both:

  • are managed by the drawing state (with save() and restore()).
  • have a way to set their state (e.g., for transformation matrices transform(a,b,c,d,e,f)).
  • apply cumulative behavior when adjusted sequentially (e.g., clip() followed by clip() again, as described previously. For transformation matrices: scale() then rotate(), etc.)

However, the current transformation matrix enjoys some special benefits, that we would like to bring to clipping regions.

  • setTransform() allows the current transformation matrix to be overwritten with a completely new transformation matrix-- notably without applying any cumulative effects.
  • resetTransform() allows the current transformation matrix to be set back to its initial state (the identity matrix).

Given the previous concerns around clipping regions, and the API disparity between clipping regions and transformation matrices, it seems prudent to add the obviously-missing clipping region APIs proposed below.


Following the established pattern set by the canvas transformation matrix APIs, we propose the following:


setClip() replaces the current clipping region on the canvas context with whatever is the current path (the current default path).

context.rect( 0, 0, 100, 50 );
context.rect( 50, 0, 100, 50 );
context.setClip(); // The current clip is the last rectangle ('clip()' here would yield a square).

setClip() supports replacing the current clipping region with an explicitly provided path object:

let path = new Path2D();
path.rect( 0, 0, 100, 50 );
context.setClip( path );

As with transforms, restore() will restore the clipping region to the state it was in at the point of calling save().


resetClip() puts the clipping region back in the state it was in when the context was initialized. From the spec: "set to the largest infinite surface (i.e. by default, no clipping occurs)".


Using our proposed APIs, we can re-write the animation example from earlier:

let spot = { x: 50, y: 50 };
function animationFrameCallback() {
   context.clearRect( 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height );
   context.resetClip(); // Tada! Perfect.
   let spotlight = new Path2D();
   spotlight.arc( spot.x, spot.y, /*...*/ );
   context.clip( spotlight ); // Create a circle clipping region centered at 'spot'
   // Draw main character here...
   // Move the spotlight to the right
   requestAnimationFrame( animationFrameCallback );

We can also make our contact list grid code more efficient by eliminating an entire double "for" loop:

// draw background and labels

// Draw the photos with individual clipping regions
for ( let row = 0; row < 4; row++ ) {
   for ( let col = 0; col < 7; col++ ) {
      context.arc( col * WIDTHSPACING, row * HEIGHTSPACING, /*...*/ );
      context.drawImage( getImg( col, row ), col * WIDTHSPACING, row * HEIGHTSPACING, /*...*/ );
// Reset the clip region for whatever comes next

In performance-sensitive applications that need to selectively manage a clipping region, this can be done without the overhead of save() and restore() pairs.

Formal Definition

A more formal definition, highlighting that the CanvasFillRule will still be respected in both usages of setClip():

interface mixin CanvasDrawPath {
  void setClip(optional CanvasFillRule fillRule = "nonzero");
  void setClip(Path2D path, optional CanvasFillRule fillRule = "nonzero");
  void resetClip();

Alternatives considered

  • None

Privacy Considerations

We do not expect this API to introduce additional fingerprinting capabilities or other privacy concerns, but we welcome community feedback.