Duva is a distributed cache server aimed at efficient and scalable key-value store operations using Actor models, written in Rust
Designed to handle concurrent, distributed, and scalable systems, it models independent units of computation (actors) that communicate solely via message passing. It offers several advantages, and the following is a non-exhaustive list of pros
- High concurrency: Systems requiring thousands or millions of lightweight concurrent entities.
- Event-driven architecture: Applications that rely on asynchronous event processing.
- Distributed systems: Systems spanning multiple servers or nodes.
- Fault tolerance: Systems where reliability and recovery from failure are critical.
or -Actor
postfix are used in this project to denote it works as either transient or long-running actor
The following features have been implemented so far:
Core Commands
- SET: Store a key-value pair.
- Expiration: Set a time-to-live (TTL) for keys.
- GET: Retrieve the value associated with a key.
- KEYS (with pattern matching): Retrieve keys matching specific patterns.
- SAVE: dump data to the designated file path
- SET: Store a key-value pair.
Advanced Features
- Auto Deletion: Automatically remove expired keys.
- Local Sharding: Efficiently manage data distribution across local actors.
- Configuration Settings: Customize server behavior with adjustable configurations.
- Persistence:
- Full File Synchronization to Replica
- Failure detection
- Cluster node liveness check
- Cluster commands:
- Forget
Protocol Support
- RESP Protocol: Fully implemented for parsing client requests, ensuring compatibility with Redis-like commands.
actor C as Client
participant CC as ClientRequestController
participant Stream
participant CA as CacheActor
participant Config as ConfigManager
loop wait for connection
activate CC
C ->> CC: Make Stream
CC --) Stream : Spawn Stream
deactivate CC
Stream --)+ Stream: wait & receive request
rect rgb(108, 161, 166)
alt cache
Stream -) CA: route request
CA -) Stream: return response
else config
Stream -) Config: route request
Config -) Stream: return response
Stream -)- Stream: send response
participant s as Leader
actor Cache
actor Config
actor Cluster
actor peer_listener
actor client_listener
participant Follower
actor follower_listener
s-->>Cache: spawn
s-->>Config: spawn
s-->>Cluster: spawn
Cluster --> Cluster : send heartbeat
Note right of Cluster : Cluster periodically sends heartbeat to peers
s -->>client_listener:spawn
Follower -->> follower_listener: spawn
Note right of Follower : Follower also listens for incoming peer connections
s-->>peer_listener: spawn
Follower -->>+ peer_listener: bind
peer_listener -->- Follower: threeway handshake
peer_listener -->> Follower : disseminate peer infomation
peer_listener -->>+ Cluster : pass stream
Cluster -->>- Cluster : add peer
There are quite a few scenarios related to this. For this, take a look at the diagram. The following is the partial sync scenario on startup:
participant L as Leader
participant F as Follower
participant SF as Second Follower
L ->> L: Save Empty Dump with (Id, Peer Identifier)
F ->> L: Connect
L ->> F: Receive Snapshot
F ->> F: Save Dump from Leader
SF ->> L: Connect
L ->> SF: Receive Snapshot
SF ->> SF: Save Dump from Leader
L ->> L: append entry * 5
L ->> F: Replicate
L ->> SF: Replicate
L ->> L: Create Snapshot (until hwm 5)
L ->> F: Create Snapshot
L ->> SF : Create Snapshot
SF --> SF: Second Follower Crashed
L ->> L: append entry * 3
L ->> F: Replicate
SF ->> L: Connect (replid: leader_repl_id, hwm:5, term: 1)
L ->> SF: Receive Snapshot (hwm: 5)
There are two timeout settings which control elections.
Election timeout
: amount of time a follower waits until becoming a candidate, randomized to be between 150-300ms- After elecction timeout, the follower becomes a candidate and start a new election term. In this case system:
- increases value
by 1 - starts counting voting(which is from 1 as it votes for itself)
- sends
Request Vote
messages to other nodes
- increases value
- If the receiving node hasn't voted YET in this term, it votes for the candidate and resets its election timeout(and increase its
by 1 and mark it's voting state for candidate ->Vote for
state). - Once a candiate gets a majority of votes, it becomes a leader.
- After elecction timeout, the follower becomes a candidate and start a new election term. In this case system:
The leader begins sending out
Append Entries
messages to its followers, the interval of which is specified by theheartbeat timeout
- Followers get
Append Entries
and then change state fromVote for: {node identifier}
->Leader : {leader_node identifier}
- The election term continues until a follower stops receiving heartbeats and becomes a candidate
- Followers get
- If two candidates occur at the same time, it causes race. Let's say we have two candidates(A,B) and two potential followers(C,D).
Request Vote
arrives at two node(C,D)- C votes for A
- D votes for B
- Now, each candidate has 2 votes and can receive no more for this term.
- Then EVERY NODES wait one more round of
election timeout
and sendRequest vote
The system doesn't cooridnate important decisions using the protocol using eventually consistent like gossip dissemination.
However, general information, such as node liveness can be efficiently propagated using such an algorithm.
Duva achieves failure detection using Gossip mechanism
which may evolve into a hybrid gossip algorithm based on Plumtree
Heartbeat frequency and timeout period before considering a node as failed are highly configurable:
cargo run -- --hf 100 --ttl 1500
Here hf
means heartbeat is sent every 100ms.
If a peer known to the given node has not sent a heartbeat within 1500ms (ttl), it is considered dead and removed from the list.
- Rust (latest stable version)
Build the project:
cargo run
If you have dump file, and you can load them up on start-up,
cargo run -- --dir directory-path --dbfilename filename
This server supports the RESP Protocol, enabling interaction with clients in a familiar Redis-like manner.
Future enhancements will include:
- Distributed sharding
- Replication
- TransactionLog
- Pub/Sub support
- More advanced data types (e.g., lists, sets, hashes)
- Write-through / read-through support
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request for review.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.