- New Hampshire
- https://michaelfrye.tech
- https://littlegearstudios.itch.io/
Python program that randomly picks from any Official Star Trek TV Shows or Movies
Take's a SNHU student's schedule data and creates a clean, formatted, and concise Excel sheet. A simple project I started during winter break. My intention was to make an application that'll allow …
C# UpdatedJan 28, 2025 -
primeng-9-documentation Public
Documentation for PrimeNG Verson 9.1.3
SNHUScheduleCreator Public
A much better version of Schedule_Text_To_Excel_Creator. Includes extra settings, ability to add custom classes, login to mySNHU, and saves your settings and credentials. This take's a SNHU student…
C# UpdatedJan 28, 2023 -
SimpleTimeCruncher Public
I wanted to streamline the process of counting my hours. Making it easier to type in the hours and minutes of each day and come up with a sum.
C# UpdatedJan 28, 2023 -
WhatsThisHTTPStatusCode Public
Look up an HTTP status code without the internet!
Batchfile GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 28, 2023 -
Polybius_Arcade_Fan_Game Public
A working Polybius Arcade game you can walk up to and play. (Uses Unity 2018.2.0f2)
FinanceManager Public
Project for CS303L. A basic Finance Manager written using the .NET MVC architecture. It uses an Azure Cloud Database as well as Tableau to display user data.
JavaScript UpdatedJun 22, 2022 -
Michael's Learning Fellow Lesson: A Tic Tac Toe Program. This lesson counts as a quiz grade. Show your finished code to a Learning Fellow for credit. You'll be expected to finish and submit this as…
MIT License UpdatedDec 10, 2019 -
CS204LProject Public
A project we as a team decided to take on because we wanted to do something related to machine learning. It's a basic digit recognition application written in Python using Sci-kit Learn, Pickle, an…
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 29, 2019 -
GAM-350-Projects Public
All lab projects created for SNHU's GAM-350 - Multiplayer Game Development course.
C# UpdatedFeb 2, 2019 -
A project me and another student did for SNHU during the summer of 2018. The purpose of the project was to use Unity and Vuforia to create an application that would scan image target and play video…
C# UpdatedJan 11, 2019