This is a shiny app for calculating the return on investment (ROI) for large mining operations on digitising fuel accounting, dispatch and auditing. The shiny app has options to set fleet size and fuel volumes, and also set base salaries of people involved in the process. It will then calculate the man hours saved and its equivalent cost savings, as well as the ROI on digitising the process.
- R is a programming language known for its extensive libraries and packages, making it a popular tool for statistical analysis and data visualization. Download URL: CRAN R Project
- RStudio is software application that makes R easier to use. Download URL:Posit Open Source
- Download URL: Git
- Open RStudio.
- Go to
>New Project
>Version Control
>Clone Git Repository
. - Provide the necessary details to download the project from the repository.
- Click
Create Project
- Run the install.packages() function in the R console to install all the required packages.
- Run the app by executing the following command in the RStudio console:
- Always create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
- Use a descriptive name like
git checkout -b yourname/feature-description
- Use the
Sync fork
button provided on Github before making any changes.

- Alternatively, from the command line fetch latest changes and rebase your branch before creating or updating a PR:
git fetch origin git rebase origin/main
- Push your feature branch and open a pull request against the
git push origin yourname/feature-description
- Address all comments and resolve conflicts before the PR is approved.
- Only PRs approved by Sanjay Mehrotra or Bhargav Kowshik will be merged.
- Direct pushes to main are prohibited. All changes must go through a PR.
For support or further information, please contact:
Bhargav Kowshik