Airhorndroid is a simple android companion app to triggger airhorn calls on the awesome hammerandchisel's airhorn discord bot without have to type any text. When you are in game, it is impractical to switch to discord window just to type "!airhorn". That's why I built this app.
It is very easy to use. Just launch it, type your credentials and validate.
You will be notified that you have been successfully connected !
Then you're on the main screen. Under settings menu, you can choose your target guild.
The main screen holds 5 buttons you can press to make !airhorn calls.
Currently mapping is as follow:
- 1 button -> !airhorn default
- 2 button -> !airhorn reverb
- middle button -> !airhorn
- 3 button -> !airhorn tripletap
- 4 button -> !airhorn fourtap
The app uses the mighty android-async-http library from loopj.
It also uses a class from a gist. Many thanks to ayvazj for that.