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Window management made elegant.
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Download for macOS
~ Compatible with macOS 13 and later. ~

Loop is a macOS app that simplifies window management for you. You can effortlessly choose your window direction using a radial menu triggered by a simple key press, and customize it according to your preferences with personalized colors and settings. You can easily move, resize, and arrange your windows with just a few clicks, saving you valuable time and energy.


Loop is constantly evolving, with new features and improvements added regularly to enhance your window management experience on macOS.


Radial Menu

The Radial Menu allows you to manipulate windows using your mouse/trackpad. Hold down the trigger key and move your cursor in the desired direction to move and resize the window.



The preview window enables you to see the resize action before committing to it.


Keyboard Shortcuts

Loop allows you to assign any key in tandem with the trigger key to initiate a window manipulation action.



Loop can become very powerful when paired with cycles. These enable you to perform multiple window manipulations in quick succession by pressing the same key combination repeatedly, or by left-clicking repeatedly!



Radial Menu

The radial menu is fully customizable in terms of width, shape, and color. It is also completely optional and can be disabled. Both the cursor interaction and the radial menu itself are independently toggleable.



Adjust the padding, corner radius, border color, and border width of the optional preview window.




brew install loop

Manual Download

Navigate to the release page and download the latest .zip file located at the bottom, or click me.


Loop uses a trigger key to function. This key must be held down or pressed to activate certain features within Loop. To access the radial menu, hold down the trigger key and move the cursor in the desired direction. Users who prefer keyboard shortcuts can assign a key to work with the trigger key, activating specific actions. The trigger key can be set in the "Behavior" tab of the "Settings" section. The trigger key can consist of one or multiple keys.

To set Caps Lock as your trigger key, you have two options:

a. Change System Settings

  1. Go to System Settings → Keyboard → "Keyboard Shortcuts...".
  2. In the "Modifier Keys" tab, remap Caps Lock (⇪) key to (^) Control.
  3. Repeat this remapping process for every connected keyboard.
  4. In Loop, select the Right Control key as your trigger.

b. Use an external App

Keyboard Shortcuts

Category Actions
General Fullscreen, Maximize, Almost Maximize, Centre, MacOS Centre, Minimize, Hide
Halves Top Half, Bottom Half, Left Half, Right Half
Quarters Top Left Quarter, Top Right Quarter, Bottom Left Quarter, Bottom Right Quarter
Horizontal Thirds Right Third, Right Two Thirds, Horizontal Center Third, Left Two Thirds, Left Third
Vertical Thirds Top Third, Top Two Thirds, Vertical Center Third, Bottom Two Thirds, Bottom Third
Screen Switching Next Screen, Previous Screen
Window Manipulation Larger, Smaller, Shrink Top, Shrink Bottom, Shrink Right, Shrink Left, Grow Top, Grow Bottom, Grow Right, Grow Left, Move Up, Move Down, Move Right, Move Left
More Initial Frame, Undo, Custom, Cycle


To see all the contributors who have played a significant role in developing Loop, visit our Contributors page.

How to Contribute

For an extensive guide on how to contribute, check out the contributing guide.



App Name Loop Rectangle  Pro Hammerspoon 1Piece BetterTouchTool Swish Rectangle Multitouch Emmetapp Amethyst Window  Fusion Tiles Magnet Moom Wins Yabai MacOS  15
Price Free $9.99 Free Free $22 $16 Free $15.99 $19 Free $12 Free $4.99 $10 $13.99 Free Free
Restore Size
Open Source
Edge Snapping
Set Custom Size
Save Workspace
Percentage Units
Modifier + Mouse
Modifier + Arrows
Maximize Window
Multi-Screen Move
Touchpad Gestures
Modifier + Touchpad
Margin / Grid Padding
Pin/Unpin window on top
Resize Adjacent Windows
Open  Window  On  Set  Screen


This project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 license.