Starred repositories
arkid15r / git-uk-l10n
Forked from git/gitGit Source Code Mirror - This is a publish-only repository but pull requests can be turned into patches to the mailing list via GitGitGadget (https://gitgitgadget.github.io/). Please follow Documen…
UnitedMarsupials / git-uk-l10n
Forked from arkid15r/git-uk-l10nGit Source Code Mirror - This is a publish-only repository but pull requests can be turned into patches to the mailing list via GitGitGadget (https://gitgitgadget.github.io/). Please follow Documen…
Muaytie666 / DSA
Forked from Swapnil-2503/DSASome Problem solving some learning new algo. and data struct.
bikashsahoo1636 / Hello-World
Forked from octocat/Hello-WorldMy first repository on GitHub!
Muaytie666 / JasmyCoin
Forked from JasmyCoin/JasmyCoinJasmyCoin ERC-20 token
Muaytie666 / pyhackathon
Forked from codyde/pyhackathonTraining Content for Getting Started With Python and API
Solidity contract visualisation tool
Muaytie666 / gh-feedstock
Forked from conda-forge/gh-feedstockA conda-smithy repository for gh.
palkeo / panoramix
Forked from eveem-org/panoramixEthereum decompiler
Muaytie666 / feathers
Forked from feathersjs/feathersThe API and real-time application framework
ton-blockchain / multisig-contract
Forked from akifoq/multisigStandard multisignature wallet smart contract
Muaytie666 / bug-bounty
Forked from ton-blockchain/bug-bountyTON security bug bounty description
Muaytie666 / farm-proxy
Forked from braiins/farm-proxyhttps://github.com/octocat/Hello-World.git
Amnezia VPN Client (Desktop+Mobile)
Muaytie666 / EIPs
Forked from ethereum/EIPsThe Ethereum Improvement Proposal repository
TON-EVM Toncoin bridge - Solidity smart contracts
lreddy-parallelz / opentofu
Forked from opentofu/opentofuOpenTofu lets you declaratively manage your cloud infrastructure.
Muaytie666 / images
Forked from devcontainers/imagesRepository for pre-built dev container images published under mcr.microsoft.com/devcontainers
Farzadgahramani / .github
Forked from github/.githubCommunity health files for the @GitHub organization
EverexIO / Ethplorer
Forked from amilabs/EthplorerViewer of Ethereum tokens and transactions based on ERC20 standard.
github-linguist / babel-sublime
Forked from babel/babel-sublimeSyntax definitions for ES6 JavaScript with React JSX extensions.
The official documentation for BNB Chain.
octocat / linguist
Forked from github-linguist/linguistLanguage Savant. If your repository's language is being reported incorrectly, send us a pull request!
Muaytie666 / documentation
Forked from npm/documentationDocumentation for the npm registry, website, and command-line interface.
dmcgowan / platforms
Forked from containerd/platformsGo package for handling platform type
satoshiotomakan / wallet-core
Forked from trustwallet/wallet-coreCross-platform, cross-blockchain wallet library.
rragundez / open-webui
Forked from open-webui/open-webuiUser-friendly AI Interface (Supports Ollama, OpenAI API, ...)