- Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 1h ahead - @mulkave
- in/abedhalawi
- mulkave
- https://discord.gg/H6UGemYT
gh-token Public
Forked from Link-/gh-tokenCreate an installation access token for a GitHub app from your terminal π»
Shell ISC License UpdatedAug 25, 2021 -
Bolt Public
Forked from stefanak-michal/php-bolt-driverBolt protocol PHP library over TCP socket primary targeted to use with Neo4j.
PHP MIT License UpdatedApr 9, 2021 -
vue-resource Public
Forked from pagekit/vue-resourceThe HTTP client for Vue.js
uber_data Public
Forked from Link-/uber_dataUber web interface crawler / scraper - Convert the trips table into a CSV file
open_letter Public
Forked from mena-devs/open_letterOpen Letter to the global JSConf Community
UpdatedJan 15, 2016 -
cross-js-template Public
Forked from amitayd/grunt-browserify-jasmine-node-exampleAn example of how to set up a project for cross-developing for the browser and node.js.
laravel Public
Forked from laravel/laravelA PHP Framework For Web Artisans
PHP UpdatedJul 31, 2015 -
symfony-docs Public
Forked from symfony/symfony-docsThe Symfony documentation
C++ UpdatedJul 23, 2015 -
fig-standards Public
Forked from php-fig/fig-standardsStandards either proposed or approved by the Framework Interop Group
Other UpdatedJul 1, 2015 -
neo4j-neoclient Public
Forked from neoxygen/neo4j-neoclientSimple PHP HttpClient for the Neo4j ReST API with Multi DB Support
PHP MIT License UpdatedApr 25, 2015 -
DesignPatternsPHP Public
Forked from DesignPatternsPHP/DesignPatternsPHPsample code for several design patterns in PHP
vagrant Public
Forked from hashicorp/vagrantVagrant is a tool for building and distributing working environments.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedApr 13, 2014 -
Laravel3-Twitter Public
Handles authenticating and fetching data from the twitter API
iframe-DOM-communication Public
Represents a basic implementation for communication b/w a 3rd party iframe and custom javascript
CoffeeScript UpdatedJun 17, 2013 -
r.js Public
Forked from requirejs/r.jsRuns RequireJS in Node and Rhino, and used to run the RequireJS optimizer
JavaScript Other UpdatedApr 1, 2013