Check out my Portfolio 🤓
- 🌍 Former Math teacher, boot camp graduate, and now Computer Science student, soon to be software engineer.
- 🌴 My home base is 🌞 Southwest Florida
- 🧠 I've taken the initiative in my professional development by continuing to learn and grow as a software engineer on my free time because I believe in forging my own path rather than waiting for opportunities to come knocking. (Wouldn't be mad if one did knock on my door though 😂)
- ✨ My non-traditional background brings a fresh perspective to problem-solving, with a deep commitment to self-growth.
- 💻 Seeking to gain software experience through available opportunities like Chingu.io and internships.
- 🖥️ See my Portfolio Projects
- ✉️ You can contact me at Nereida.Rondon5@gmail.com
- 🤝 I'm open to collaborating on any JavaScript Projects and I'm looking to contribute to open source projects as well
- Shecodes' Intro to Coding workshop... April 2022 ✔
- Promineo Tech's 18-week Frontend Dev Boot camp with Florida SouthWestern State College... October 2022 ✔
- Scrimba's Frontend Path Course... in progress 🚀
- Chingu
- Voyage 46 Repo
- 6-week Project
- Collaborated with 2 other Developers and 1 UX/UI Designer
- Created an App using Agile Methodologies
- Voyage 46 Repo
- Completed a website for a local small business 🔒
- Pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from FIU
- Contribute to more open source projects 💻
- Python 🐍
- TypeScript ✨
- React Native 📱
Weather.Dashboard.3.webmReact, React-Bootstrap, React-Router, Create-React-App, JSX, CSS, Axios, deployed on Netlify About ProjectThis app gives the user's local weather and has a dashboard that stores "favorite" locations searched by the user with API integration. These locations' weather can be updated or deleted to make room for another destination. There is also a map page. This project uses the Open weather API and Google's Geo Location API, as well as Google's Static Map API and Directions API. |