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Declarative keymappings configuration using cascading trees


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Declarative cascade key mappings configuration

✨ Features

  • Define all your keymaps as simple lua tables
  • Group keymaps the way you think about them
  • Modular, declarative way to define keymaps
  • Automatically registers autocommands to setup buffer local keymappings
  • Which-key integration out of the box

📦 Installation


  dependencies = {
    "folke/which-key.nvim", -- optional, only if you want which-key integration


use {
  requires = {
    "folke/which-key.nvim", -- optional, only if you want which-key integration

⚙️ Configuration

Define your keymaps:

-- user/mappings.lua
local ck = require("caskey")

return {
  -- options are inherits so you can define most regular at the top of keymaps config
  mode = {"n", "v"},

  -- Simple keymap with `caskey.cmd` helper and mode override
  ["<Esc>"] = {act = ck.cmd "noh", desc = "no highlight", mode = "n"},

  -- group keymaps to reuse options or just for config structuring
    mode = {"i", "t", "c"},

    ["<C-a>"] = {act = "<Home>"  , desc = "Beginning of line"},
    ["<C-e>"] = {act = "<End>"   , desc = "End of line"},
    ["<C-f>"] = {act = "<Right>" , desc = "Move forward"},
    ["<C-b>"] = {act = "<Left>"  , desc = "Move back"},
    -- override options
    ["<C-d>"] = {act = "<Delete>", desc = "Delete next character", mode = {"i", "c"}},

  -- structure your keymaps as a tree and define which-key prefixes
  ["<leader>t"] = {
    name = "tabs",

    n = {act = ck.cmd "tabnew"                            , desc = "new tab"},
    x = {act = ck.cmd "tabclose"                          , desc = "close tab"},
    t = {act = ck.cmd "Telescope telescope-tabs list_tabs", desc = "list tabs"},

  -- define buffer local keymaps
  ["q"] = {
    act = ck.cmd "close",
    desc = "close window",
    when = {
      ck.ft "Outline", {"quickfix", "help"},
      -- that is equivalent to:
        event = "FileType",
        pattern = "Outline",
        event = "BufWinEnter",
        condition = function ()
          return vim.tbl_contains({"quickfix", "help"}, vim.o.buftype)

  -- use functions as config bodies
  ["<leader>h"] = function ()
    local gs = require("gitsigns")

    return {
      name = "hunk",

      mode = "n",

      -- Sometimes there aren't events which describe that you need to setup buffer local mappings.
      -- For such cases you can use custom events.
      -- Caskey provides api for emitting them:
      --   -- nvim/lua/user/plugins/gitsigns.lua
      --   ...
      --   on_attach = function (bufnr)
      --     require("caskey").emit("Gitsigns", bufnr)
      --   end
      --   ...
      -- And then you can use `ck.emit` to describe when to setup mappings
      when = ck.emitted "Gitsigns",

      s = {act = gs.stage_hunk     , desc = "stage hunk"},
      r = {act = gs.reset_hunk     , desc = "rest hunk"},
      S = {act = gs.stage_buffer   , desc = "stage buffer"},
      u = {act = gs.undo_stage_hunk, desc = "unstage hunk"},
      d = {act = gs.preview_hunk   , desc = "preview hunk"} ,
      b = {act = gs.blame_line     , desc = "blame line"},

    mode = "n",
    when = "LspAttach",
    ["gd"] = {act = ck.cmd "Telescope lsp_definitions", desc = "lsp definition"},
    ["<C-s>"] = {
      act = ck.cmd "SymbolsOutline",
      desc = "toggle outline",
      -- extend mode or buffer local configuration
      mode_extend = "v",
      when_extend = ck.ft "Outline",

And then setup them with caskey:


Or if you want which-key integration:


Config structure description could be found here