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Starred repositories
HTPC-Manager / HTPC-Manager
Forked from gmiranda/HTPC-ManagerA fully responsive interface to manage all your favorite software on your HTPC.
oxen-io / session-android
Forked from signalapp/Signal-AndroidA private messenger for Android.
crackededed / Xtra
Forked from AndreyAsadchy/XtraXtra is a Twitch player and browser for Android.
j-fbriere / squawker
Forked from jonjomckay/fritterAn open-source privacy oriented Twitter/X client
quillpad / quillpad
Forked from msoultanidis/quillnoteTake beautiful markdown notes and stay organized with task lists. Fork of Quillnote
gitpod-io / openvscode-server
Forked from microsoft/vscodeRun upstream VS Code on a remote machine with access through a modern web browser from any device, anywhere.
timvisee / send
Forked from mozilla/send📬 Simple, private file sharing. Mirror of https://gitlab.com/timvisee/send
Open-Shell / Open-Shell-Menu
Forked from coddec/Classic-ShellClassic Shell Reborn.
noDRM / DeDRM_tools
Forked from apprenticeharper/DeDRM_toolsDeDRM tools for ebooks
hubot-friends / hubot-slack
Forked from slackapi/hubot-slackSlack Adapter for Hubot
tldraw / make-real
Forked from SawyerHood/draw-a-uiDraw a ui and make it real
riak-core-lite / riak_core_lite
Forked from basho/riak_coreDistributed systems infrastructure used by Riak.
Kraigie / ETE
Forked from DockYard/live_view_demoETE - Enjoy the End, created for Phoenix Phrenzy (https://phoenixphrenzy.com/)
Simple WireGuard VPN Manager for provisioning WireGuard profiles for multiple users
OpenTelemetry integration with Honeycomb
rust-lang / arewewebyet
Forked from chris-morgan/arewewebyetAre we web yet? A simple reckoning of Rust's readiness for Web-related things.
oleksis / youtube-dl-gui
Forked from MrS0m30n3/youtube-dl-guiA cross platform front-end GUI of the popular youtube-dl written in wxPython.
Secure and fast microVMs for serverless computing.
React-only todo sample for Reflect
phr00t / FocusEngine
Forked from stride3d/strideFocus Game Engine. This is Stride/Xenko fast-tracked for Phr00t's Software games. Improvements over the original Focus on Vulkan support, PC platforms, VR, performance & ease. Cherry-picks commits …
wasix-org / wasix-libc
Forked from WebAssembly/wasi-libcwasix libc implementation for WebAssembly
wasix-org / wasix-witx
Forked from WebAssembly/WASIWebAssembly System Interface
A browser extension for the game Melvor Idle
gofireflyio / validiac
Forked from komodorio/validkubeValidIaC combines the best open-source tools to help ensure Infrastructure-as-Code best practices, hygiene & security.
Read the full article: http://buildnewgames.com/real-time-multiplayer/ An example using node.js, socket.io and HTML5 Canvas to explain and demonstrate realtime multiplayer games in the browser.
hurty / live_view_demo
Forked from DockYard/live_view_demoForkable repo for entries in Phoenix Phrenzy (https://phoenixphrenzy.com/)