###SSM parameters
2)Environment-totum-upsummary-service-input (Ups Summary service)
4)Environment-totum-carddetailchange (Shared Infra)
5)Environment-totum-emaildrop (Shared Infra)
6)Environment-totum-finance-trans-queue (Payment Gateway Service)
###mysqldb schema payment_transaction
1) payment_transaction
2) payment_transaction_audit
3) sale_transaction
a) POST /checkout/clientToken :
Authorization : AWS_IAM
API Key Required : true
HTTP Headers : Name - X-TOTUM-Authorization Mapped from - context.identity.cognitoAuthenticationProvider
This endpoint is called from the front-end to access the braintree, client token is required which is passed as a response from this API. Internally calls CBS endpoint.
Sample response :
{"jsonapi":{"version":"1.0"},"data":{"id":"PaymentClientToken-0001","type":"x-nux-checkout-clienttoken-v1.0.0", "attributes":{"client_token":"token_value"}}}
b) POST /checkout/product :
Authorization : AWS_IAM
API Key Required : true
HTTP Headers : Name - X-TOTUM-Authorization Mapped from - context.identity.cognitoAuthenticationProvider
Once the frontend gets nonce from the payment gateway this endpoint is called for payment.
We create transaction id which is the combination of "upid + product id + current date" and enter the record in payment_transaction table. Initially the payment_staus is IN_PROGRESS.
Then we create the saleObject which has below checks :
-Calls the totum-product-service GET /product/{productid} to get product details
--if voucher is applicable we get voucher details from the product call.
-checks if the product is new purchase or renewal or replacement
-checks if the product has isic included : if yes we call the isic /allocate endpoint to get ISIC /ITIC number
-checks if pass is included in the bundle
Then calls the CBS endpoint POST /api/Sales/Operations/CardProduction
On success :
-if sale is discounted (voucher applied) it calls voucher service to update the voucher status
-call to userprofile-service to update user attributes.
-if pass included then calls pass-application-service
-Async event is published to update the sale_transaction table to record sale information provided by CBS and also update the payment_status as SUCCESS
-if isic included then publishes msg to <env>-totum-isicdata-checkout-service-input queue which is listened by isic-service
-if renewal card then for refreshing the card the msg is published in <env>-totum-carddetailchange queue
-Email message is published to <env>-totum-emaildrop Queue which is listened by totum-email-service to inform user about card purchase.
c) POST /checkout/pass-app-conclude : This endpoint is called from pass-application-service to call card production on pass final status.
d) POST /checkout/product/{upid} : This endpoint is called from pass-application-service when we have to Reset PASS journey for rejected users from Admin.
-totum-checkout-service-recursive-input : Checkout service publishes a message when there is a duplicate payment. And checkout itself has a code to listen to this queue.This then logs duplicate payment data in the db.
-totum-upsummary-service-input : Checkout service listens to this queue. totum-user-profile-summary-service publishes a message to this queue when user's pass is rejected. Then internally calls CBS POST /api/Sales/Operations/PASSFinalisation endpoint.
-totum-isicdata-checkout-service-input : If isic/itic included in the product purchased by the user then checkout service publishes msg to this queue, which is listened by nux-isic-registration-service
-totum-carddetailchange : Publishes a message to Refresh cards in case of renewals and when the user pass application gets approved.
-totum-emaildrop : Publishes a message to this queue, which is listened by totum-email-service which triggers email to inform the user about card purchase/pass application status. Sample message body- { "jsonapi": { "version": "1.0" }, "data": { "id": "432c964e", "type": "x-mail-dispatch-ticket-v1.0.0", "attributes": { "duration": "1", "firstName": "Will", "lastName": "Smith", "amount": "14.99", "messageType": "card-payment-v1.0.0", "deliveryAddress": "Campus Shop ,Library Building, Long Street,IP4 1QJ", "instruction": "You will be able to collect your card from Campus Shop ,Library Building, Long Street,IP4 1QJ in 7 days.", "recipientAddr": "int_reg1@mailinator.com", "reference_number": "6tf0tsp5", "passPresent": "false", "productName": "TOTUM 1 year with ISIC", "products": "TOTUM discounts,ISIC membership (digital only)" } } }