Heya! I'm nightxade :)
I'm an undergraduate student at the University of California, Berkeley, studying Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
Graduating '2027!
assert_eq!("Cybersecurity Capture the Flag", acronyms::ctf);
love love love playing ctfs <3
(i'm addicted)
crypto/pwn main on reCAPTCHA the Flag (cue laugh-track.mp3)
^ dm me @nightxade on discord if you're interested in joining!
fancy badges for my favorite languages:
sometimes i do competitive programming, usually USACO or Codeforces
here are some of my more interesting projects:
i post ctf writeups here!
i pretend im a good doctor (sorta)
use this if you hate privacy
and some hackathon projects:
wowow blockchain and AI i love buzzwords
yay humanity :)
did a lot of math competitions in high school, still love math now!
studying abstract algebra right now, maybe will take the putnam
24 game is super fun
quantum computing (currently reading about quantum mechanics)
^ post-quantum cryptography is super cool
literally anything cool in STEM
world history (especially wars)
( •_•)O*¯`·.¸.·´¯`°Q(•_• )
FORMULA 1 🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️
Counter Strike + Valorant esports
Reading manhua