A novel source code representation for capturing syntactic and semantic program features by utilizing multiple intermediate representations of code.
Previous Versions
D. Vagavolu, K. C. Swarna and S. Chimalakonda, "A Mocktail of Source Code Representations," 2021 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2021, pp. 1296-1300, doi: 10.1109/ASE51524.2021.9678551. [IEEE Xplore]
Dheeraj Vagavolu, Karthik Chandra Swarna, and Sridhar Chimalakonda. "A Mocktail of Source Code Representations." arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.10918 (2021) [arXiv]
Please find the README for both the
Path Extractor
tool and theExtended code2vec model
in their respective folders.
- Download and create raw datasets using this script.
- Download the processed datasets from here. Processed datasets are path-extracted versions of the raw datasets. They can be readily used to train the model.
- Download the raw datasets from CodeXGlue's repository.
- Download the processed datasets from here. Processed datasets are path-extracted versions of the raw datasets. They can be readily used to train the model.
- In case of any queries or if you would like to give any suggestions, please feel free to contact:
- Karthik Chandra (cs17b026@iittp.ac.in)
- Noble Saji Mathews (ch19b023@iittp.ac.in)
- Dheeraj Vagavolu (cs17b028@iittp.ac.in)
- Sridhar Chimalakonda (ch@iittp.ac.in)