This configuration is stable, but i'm working in my current configuration, with the same UI/UX but over NixOS 23.05. You can check it here
My dotfiles for linux based operating systems, this config don't change so much of the default configuration in the software so it's nice to grab as a base.
- π Perfect to study due distraction free environment.
- β‘ Blazingly fast!, no Picom or Compton, runs as fast as possible.
- π Battery friendly, without unnecessary elements running in the background!
If you want to copy this, you must replace the "dot" keyword with an actual "." in the filename.
The tiling window manager of choice, the configuration file contains a modification to create a Vim's like keybindings and disable the default bar. Also, have a rules of default workspace per application type.
This config let you two polybars at the same time, one on the top and the other in the bottom of the screen.
I use Lunarvim as my base Neovim configuration, so all the configuration is in my "lvim" folder.
This repository is managed by Chezmoi an awesome tool to manage the dotfiles across different machines.