Automatically Sync your Password Managers Data to Bitwarden/Vaultwarden
BitwardenSync is a docker service that will automatically Sync your Password Managers Data to your Bitwarden/Vaultwarden Instance.
- Start by duplicating the
file, renaming the duplicate to.env
. Fill in the required fields within.env
- Supported import formats.
- Proceed to craft your
file, tailoring it to your environment.
To start the BitwardenSync service, use the following command:
docker-compose up -d --force-recreate
- Configure the BackupOnePass tool to export data into the directory:
- Once the data file is placed in the above directory, BitwardenSync automatically:
Detects the new file (folder watch enabled).
Purges the existing vault data.
Imports the new data file into the vault.
Deletes the imported file to maintain a clean directory.
- The process repeats each time new data is exported into the directory.
BitwardenSync can also be used independently without BackupOnePass. Simply ensure the input file is placed in the directory mentioned above, and it will process the data automatically as described.
Please see the contributing guide
Created by NorkzYT with 💛
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