A browser extension to inspect Svelte application by extending your browser devtools capabilities
🐿️ Simple and complete Svelte DOM testing utilities that encourage good testing practices
Flexible autocomplete/select component written in Svelte,
🃏 A magical documentation site generator.
Русская документация Svelte
Русская документация SvelteKit
Современный учебник JavaScript
🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
Russian translation of the Svelte sites
A node.js version management utility for Windows. Ironically written in Go.
An API documentation generator for JavaScript.
The reference implementation of Sass, written in Dart.
The library for web and native user interfaces.
A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows for loading parts of the application on demand. Through "loaders", modules can be CommonJs,…
Next generation frontend tooling. It's fast!
This is the repo for Vue 2. For Vue 3, go to
Storybook is the industry standard workshop for building, documenting, and testing UI components in isolation's open-source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code for free.
📚 Freely available programming books