CoastCams is an open-source MATLAB toolbox designed to quantify key wave parameters, mean water levels, bathymetry, and morphology in the nearshore environment using oblique orthorectified timestack images from land-based coastal monitoring systems.
- Unified and simplified method for coastal monitoring
- Accessible to coastal managers, engineers, and scientists
- User-friendly approach to identify key drivers in the coastal zone
- Enhanced bathymetry measurements for improved depth estimation
- Comprehensive set of functions for diverse coastal analyses
- Automated error handling and logging
- Improved image processing and analysis workflows
When using CoastCams, please cite:
Nuyts, S., Almar, R., Morichon, D., Dealbera, S., Abalia, A., Muñoz, J. M., Abessolo, G. O., & Regard, V. (2023). CoastCams: A MATLAB toolbox making accessible estimations of nearshore processes, mean water levels, and morphology from timestack images. Environmental Modelling & Software, 168, 105800.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Add the CoastCams directory and its subfolders to your MATLAB path.
CoastCams analyzes georectified timestack images from coastal video cameras. The creation of timestack images and georectification can be achieved with the Quantitative Coastal Imaging Toolbox.
Open UserScripts/S01_AnalysisTimestackImages.m
and configure the following sections:
- Paths: Set paths for input images and output results.
- Image Selection: Specify the naming convention for your timestack images.
- Processing Parameters: Set camera and image processing parameters.
- Analysis Options: Choose shoreline detection methods and plotting options.
: Camera acquisition frequency (e.g., 2 images per second)H_camera
: Camera height above MSL in metersres
: Pixel size on timestack image in metersrotation
: Image rotation to ensure waves come from the top-left cornerdur
: Duration of the timestack images in minutesShoreMethod
: Shoreline detection method (1, 2, or 3)compare_bathymetry_option
: Enable comparison of bathymetry methods
Execute S01_AnalysisTimestackImages.m
in MATLAB. The script will:
- Process all timestack images in the specified directory
- Calculate wave parameters, water levels, and bathymetry
- Generate plots and save results
The updated version includes improved algorithms for bathymetry estimation:
- Calculates bathymetry for each timestep
- Computes mean bathymetry across all timesteps
- Generates a bathymetry profile plot
- Saves bathymetry data for further analysis
: Computes various wave parametersCrossCorrelation_CoastCams
: Performs cross-correlation analysisLinearC
: Calculates depth using linear wave theoryplot_coastcams_main
: Generates main plots for analysis results
Improved error handling with a dedicated log file for tracking issues during processing.
- Timetable of processed data (
) - Daily averaged data (
) - Saved workspace with all variables
- Text file with processed data
- Various plots saved as PNG files
- Error log
- Analysis summary report
Having a problem? Post an issue in the Issues Page
If you're willing to contribute:
- Fork the repository. A fork is a copy on which you can make your changes.
- Create a new branch on your fork
- Commit your changes and push them to your branch
- When the branch is ready to be merged, create a Pull Request (how to make a clean pull request explained here)