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Folders and files

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Scripts and Releases


This folder contains scripts and assets needed to generate our deliverables.


  • pandocker/: Directory containing the scripts and auxiliary files needed to run the pandocker image for the document generation.
  • scripts/: Directory containing the scripts used for the generation of the MAS deliverables such as the PDF, the website, the checklists, etc.
  • Python script to retrieve current contributors and group them into our different categories according to their additions.

GitHub Actions

Our workflows for GitHub Actions are located in .github/workflows.

Usually we don't have to change anything here apart from upgrading the version of the included actions (e.g. actions/checkout@v2).

  • Document (.github/workflows/docgenerator.yml) generates:
    • the MASTG as PDF and ePub using src/pandocker/
    • the MAS Checklist using src/scripts/
  • Build Website (.github/workflows/build-website.yml): builds the website and pushes the result to the gh-pages branch.
  • Markdown Linter (.github/workflows/markdown-linter.yml): runs a markdown linter using our config .markdownlint.json (more about configuration).
  • URLs Checker (.github/workflows/url-checker.yml, .github/workflows/url-checker-pr.yml): runs a URL checker using our config .github/workflows/config/url-checker-config.json (this workflow usually gives false positives that we have to exclude in the config).
  • Spell Checker (.github/workflows/spell-checker.yml): runs a spell checker
  • CodeQL Security Scan (.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml): to detect security issues in our Python code.
  • Labeler (.github/workflows/labeler.yml): automatically labels PRs based on the files changed and the configuration in .github/labeler.yml.

How to Release

See "How to Release" (access restricted).