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OctoTerra Wizard

This tool prepares an Octopus space to allow space level resources and projects to serialized to a Terraform module and reapply them in another space.


View the docs here.

Environment variables

The default values used by the wizard are defined in environment variables:

  • OCTOTERRAWIZ_SOURCE_SERVER: The URL of the Octopus server to export from
  • OCTOTERRAWIZ_SOURCE_API_KEY: The API key to use to connect to the source server
  • OCTOTERRAWIZ_SOURCE_SPACE_ID: The ID of the space to export
  • OCTOTERRAWIZ_DESTINATION_SERVER: The URL of the Octopus server to import to
  • OCTOTERRAWIZ_DESTINATION_API_KEY: The API key to use to connect to the destination server
  • OCTOTERRAWIZ_DESTINATION_SPACE_ID: The ID of the space to import to
  • OCTOTERRAWIZ_BACKEND_TYPE: Either AWS S3 or Azure Storage
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: AWS environment variable
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: AWS environment variable
  • AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: AWS environment variable
  • AWS_DEFAULT_BUCKET: The name of the S3 bucket holding the Terraform state
  • OCTOTERRAWIZ_PROMPT_FOR_DELETE: If set to true, the tool will prompt for confirmation before deleting resources
  • OCTOTERRAWIZ_USE_CONTAINER_IMAGES: If set to true, the tool will use container images to run Terraform steps
  • OCTOTERRAWIZ_AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP: The name of the Azure resource group holding the Terraform state
  • OCTOTERRAWIZ_AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT: The name of the Azure storage account holding the Terraform state
  • OCTOTERRAWIZ_AZURE_CONTAINER: The name of the Azure storage container holding the Terraform state
  • AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID: Azure environment variable
  • AZURE_TENANT_ID: Azure environment variable
  • AZURE_CLIENT_ID: Azure environment variable
  • AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET: Azure environment variable
  • OCTOTERRAWIZ_EXCLUDE_ALL_LIBRARY_VARIABLE_SETS: If set to true, the tool will exclude all library variable sets from the export


Azure Storage Accounts with Terraform

These permissions allow you to use the Azure Storage Account as a Terraform backend. They may not be the most restrictive permissions, but they have been tested.

Give you app:

  • Reader access to the resource group
  • Reader and Data Access to the storage account
  • Storage Blob Data Contributor to the container