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sample |
This sample demonstrates how to create a Microsoft Teams bot in C# using Bot Framework v4, featuring Facebook authentication and various integration capabilities. |
officedev-microsoft-teams-samples-app-complete-sample-csharp |
Develop a robust Microsoft Teams bot using C# and Bot Framework v4, featuring seamless integration of Tabs, Messaging Extensions, and Adaptive Cards. This sample also includes Facebook authentication to enrich user engagement and streamline interactions within the Teams environment.
- Bots
- Tabs
- Messaging Extensions
- Adaptive Cards
- Facebook Authentication (bots)
Please find below demo manifest which is deployed on Microsoft Azure and you can try it yourself by uploading the app manifest (.zip file link below) to your teams and/or as a personal app. (Sideloading must be enabled for your tenant, see steps here).
Microsoft Teams Bot: Manifest
- Install Git for windows:
.NET Core SDK version 6.0
determine dotnet version
dotnet --version
dev tunnel or ngrok (For local environment testing) latest version (any other tunneling software can also be used)
Teams Microsoft Teams is installed and you have an account
The simplest way to run this sample in Teams is to use Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio.
- Install Visual Studio 2022 Version 17.10 Preview 4 or higher Visual Studio
- Install Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Teams Toolkit extension
- In the debug dropdown menu of Visual Studio, select Dev Tunnels > Create A Tunnel (set authentication type to Public) or select an existing public dev tunnel.
- In the debug dropdown menu of Visual Studio, select default startup project > Microsoft Teams (browser)
- In Visual Studio, right-click your TeamsApp project and Select Teams Toolkit > Prepare Teams App Dependencies
- Using the extension, sign in with your Microsoft 365 account where you have permissions to upload custom apps.
- Select Debug > Start Debugging or F5 to run the menu in Visual Studio.
- In the browser that launches, select the Add button to install the app to Teams.
If you do not have permission to upload custom apps (sideloading), Teams Toolkit will recommend creating and using a Microsoft 365 Developer Program account - a free program to get your own dev environment sandbox that includes Teams.
NOTE: Teams does not work nor render things exactly like the Bot Emulator, but it is a quick way to see if your bot is running and functioning correctly.
Register a new application in the Microsoft Entra ID – App Registrations portal.
Setup for Bot
- Register a Microsoft Entra ID aap registration in Azure portal.
- Also, register a bot with Azure Bot Service, following the instructions here.
- Ensure that you've enabled the Teams Channel
- While registering the bot, use
as the messaging endpoint.
NOTE: When you create your app registration, you will create an App ID and App password - make sure you keep these for later.
Run ngrok - point to port 3978
ngrok http 3978 --host-header="localhost:3978"
Alternatively, you can also use the
dev tunnels
. Please follow Create and host a dev tunnel and host the tunnel with anonymous user access command as shown below:devtunnel host -p 3978 --allow-anonymous
Setup for code
Clone the repository
git clone
- Modify the
and fill in the following details:
- Generated from Step 1 is the application app id -
- Generated from Step 1 is the application app id -
- Generated from Step 1, also referred to as Client secret -
- Your application's base url. E.g. if you are using ngrok and if you are using dev tunnels, your URL will be is an example for reference:
To test facebook auth flow create a facebookapp and get client id and secret for facebook app. Now go to your bot channel registartion -> configuration -> Add OAuth connection string
- Provide connection Name : for eg
- Provide FBProfileUrl: for eg
- Provide connection Name : for eg
Run the bot from a terminal or from Visual Studio:
A) From a terminal, navigate to
# run the bot dotnet run
Or from Visual Studio - Launch Visual Studio - File -> Open -> Project/Solution - Navigate to
folder - SelectAppCompleteSample.sln
file - PressF5
to run the project -
Setup Manifest for Teams
This step is specific to Teams.
- Edit the
contained in the ./appPackage or ./AppManifest_Hub folder to replace your Microsoft App Id (that was created when you registered your app registration earlier) everywhere you see the place holder string{{Microsoft-App-Id}}
(depending on the scenario the Microsoft App Id may occur multiple times in themanifest.json
) - Edit the
and replace{{domain-name}}
with base Url of your domain. E.g. if you are using ngrok it would be
then your domain-name will
and if you are using dev tunnels then your domain will be
. - Zip up the contents of the
folder to create
(Make sure that zip file does not contains any subfolder otherwise you will get error while uploading your .zip package)
- Edit the
Upload the to Teams (in the Apps view click "Upload a custom app")
- Go to Microsoft Teams. From the lower left corner, select Apps
- From the lower left corner, choose Upload a custom App
- Go to your project directory, the ./appPackage folder, select the zip folder, and choose Open.
- Select Add in the pop-up dialog box. Your app is uploaded to Teams.
Note: If you want to test your app across multi hub like: Outlook/, please update the manifest.json
in the /AppManifest_Hub
folder with the required values.
Note: If you are facing any issue in your app, please uncomment this line and put your debugger for local debug.
Congratulations!!! You have just created and sideloaded your first Microsoft Teams app! Try adding a configurable tab, at-mentioning your bot by its registered name, or viewing your static tabs.
NOTE: Most of this sample app's functionality will now work. The only limitations are the authentication examples because your app is not registered with Microsoft Entra ID nor Visual Studio Team Services.
This project is meant to help a Teams developer in two ways. First, it is meant to show many examples of how an app can integrate into Teams. Second, it is meant to give a set of patterns, templates, and tools that can be used as a starting point for creating a larger, scalable, more enterprise level bot to work within Teams. Although this project focuses on creating a robust bot, it does include simples examples of tabs as well as examples of how a bot can give links into these tabs.
At a high level, this project is written in C#, built to run a .Net, and uses the BotFramework to handle the bot's requests and responses. This project is designed to be run in Visual Studio using its debugger in order to leverage breakpoints. Most directories will hold a README file which will describe what the files within that directory do. The easiest way to get started is to follow the steps listed in the "Steps to get started running the Bot Emulator". Once this is complete and running, the easiest way to add your own content is to create a new dialog in src/dialogs by copying one from src/dialogs/examples, change it accordingly, and then instantiate it with the others in the RootDialog.cs.
Most code files that need to be compile reside in the src directory. Most files outside of the src directory are static files used for either configuration or for providing static resources to tabs, e.g. images and html.
This directory holds the skeleton of a manifest.json file that can be altered in order sideload this application into a team. -
This directory holds the stripping at mention for channel class and Invoke message processing. -
The main content of the static comes from the static files placed in /Views/BotInfo/BotInfo.cshtml. -
This directory holds all the code files, which run the entire application. -
This directory holds utility functions for the project.
- Updated the following packages:
- Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Azure and Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Integration.AspNet.WebApi
- Autofac.WebApi2
- Bot.Builder.Community.Dialogs.Formflow
Updated messageController.cs
Added dilaogBot.cs. DialogExtension.cs, AdapterWithErrorHandler.cs
Updated Dialog files into waterfall model dialog.
To view your app in Outlook on the web.
Go to Outlook on the weband sign in using your dev tenant account.
On the side bar, select More Apps. Your sideloaded app title appears among your installed apps
Select your app icon to launch and preview your app running in Outlook on the web
Select your app icon from message extension and find ward, it will show all options
Note: Similarly, you can test your application in the Outlook desktop app as well.
To preview your app running in Office on the web.
Log into with test tenant credentials
Select the Apps icon on the side bar. Your sideloaded app title appears among your installed apps
Select your app icon to launch your app in Office on the web
Note: Similarly, you can test your application in the Office 365 desktop app as well.
This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit
When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., label, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repos using our CLA.
This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.