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This sample provides a customizable Node.js connector for systems with webhook support, ideal for integration with Microsoft Teams.
contentType createdDate
07/07/2021 01:38:26 PM


The existing Microsoft 365 (previously called Office 365) connectors across all cloud platforms are nearing deprecation, and the creation of new Microsoft 365 connectors will soon be blocked. For more information on the schedule and how the Workflows app provides a more flexible and secure experience, see retirement of Microsoft 365 connectors within Microsoft Teams.

Generic Connector

This generic connector, built with Node.js, is customizable for any system that supports webhooks, enabling quick and efficient integration with Microsoft Teams. By following the provided setup, users can configure this connector to send notifications from various sources directly into Teams channels, enhancing workflow and communication.

Included Features

  • Connectors

Interaction with app



To complete this tutorial, you need the following tools. If you don't already have them you can install them from these links.


Note these instructions are for running the sample on your local machine.

  1. Open a new command prompt window.

  2. Change to the directory that contains the ngrok.exe application.

  3. In the command prompt

    Run ngrok - point to port 3978

ngrok http 3978 --host-header="localhost:3978"

Alternatively, you can also use the dev tunnels. Please follow Create and host a dev tunnel and host the tunnel with anonymous user access command as shown below:

devtunnel host -p 3978 --allow-anonymous
  1. Make note of the https:// Forwarding URL. This URL will be your [BASE_URI] like if you are using Ngrok and if you are using dev tunnels, your URL will be like: which will be used in later steps

  2. Configure your own connector


  • Open Connector Developer Portal and select New Connector. connector_setup

  • Fill in all the basic details such as name, logo, descriptions etc. for the new connector.

  • For the configuration page, you'll use our sample code's setup endpoint: https://[BASE_URI]/connector/setup connector_setup

  • For Valid domains, make enter your domain's http or https URL, e.g. and if you are using dev tunnels then your domain will be

  • Click on Save. After the save completes, you will see your connector ID in address bar.

  1. In the ~/views/connectorconfig.jade file line 27 and replace tunnelURL to the ngrok https forwarding url from the above.


  1. Install all the dependencies by running npm install in root directory.
npm install
  1. Run the sample using
node server.js
  1. This step is specific to Teams.
    • Edit the manifest.json contained in the appManifest folder to replace your Microsoft Replace <<CONNECTOR_ID>> field in ~/appManifest/manifest.json file with your newly registered
    • Edit the manifest.json and update <<AppDomain>> Example. if you are using ngrok it would be then your app domain-name will be and if you are using dev tunnels then your domain will be
    • Zip up the contents of the appManifest folder to create a (Make sure that zip file does not contains any subfolder otherwise you will get error while uploading your .zip package)
    • Upload the to Teams (In Teams Apps/Manage your apps click "Upload an app". Browse to and Open the .zip file. At the next dialog, click the Add button.)
    • Add the app to personal/team/groupChat scope (Supported scopes).

Running the sample

Setup your App in Teams setup

App list to connect for notifications (Select App from the list which you want to connect for notifications.) setup

Select App to get notifications (Configure your selected application.) setup

Selected App configuration (Give some digest name and select topics to get connect) Configure

App is now configured for notification (you will be get notify of that app which is connected with channel.) Connected

Further reading

For more information about getting started with Teams, please review the following resources:


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